Chapter 2

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Lizzie p.o.v

Alex - lizzie always so.....

Lizzie - bite me am busy.

Let me explain something quick we used to be inseparable growing up until he left to become a lawman while I became a gunslinger/bounty hunter funny thing is he didn't even say goodbye before he left and I never forgave him so now we have a love/hate realtionship. He loves to tease me and I just hate him. I shove past him and walk over to the cart once I get to the cart am suddenly swinged around and come face to face to with Alex who boxes me in.

Alex - you didn't let me finish.

Lizzie - like i said am busy. Bitch.

Alex steps closer to me.

Alex - we used to be so close lizzie.

Lizzie - and who's fault is that?

Alex - i see you are still my little she-wolf

Damm it that little nickname he gave me always seems to make my legs go to jelly. But refusing to give in i let him think am going to kiss him and place my hand onto his chest.

Lizzie - am not that girl anymore by the wall watch out your girlfriend might see you like this.

Before he could answer a pair of arms come from the back of him and wrap around his neck those hands only could only belong to the slut Vanessa his "girlfriend" or his lastest. Did i mention he's a total player.

 Did i mention he's a total player

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Vanessa Williams

Vanessa - baby...I missed you.

She kisses him but he doesn't pulI away and wraps his arm around her waist i take the time to slip away from him and hop onto the cart beside Austin.

Austin - why is he even with her? everyones know she sleeps with anyone.

Lizzie - who cares. Come on we need to get back the animal feed should be there soon.

Titan nuzzles me so I give him a pet then set off just as Alex finished sucking the face off her then turns back to look at me but we are already leaving. We finally reach home when we are unloading the cart a pair of hands go over my eyes suddenly and a familiar voice.

Jake - guess who?

I swing around to see my other brother Jake.

Lizzie - JAKE!!!!

I leap into my brothers arms am close with all my brothers but Jake are like two peas in a pod even tho Shane is my twin. Mum and Shane come out from the house I look to them.

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