Chapter 24

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Lizzie p.o.v

It was a shock for Jake to see Dean again but we explained everything to the family when we went back in the house Austin soon came back in but went straight up to his room poor Austin dad left when he was baby so Austin has no memory of him unlike the rest of us do I did ask where Crystal was and she's at Gus and Ruby's but came over with Austin then went up to his room after him mum trusts him not to do anything with her all the boys were raised to respect women shame that in their teen years that went out the window I guess he might have told her they have become close according to Mum anyway I will check on them later.

Gus and Ruby have just left then after a few minutes there is a knock on the door since we are at the table mum goes and opens it Alex steps in I may have missed out the part about what happened with Alex Shane looks pissed and goes to stand but Winter is on his lap so he can't move she also shakes her head at him telling him not to open his mouth.

Jake - what brings you here Alex?

Alex's eyes land on me they are filled with sadness and regret oh god what has he done now?

Alex - well I have some news for you all first off Chad is in the cells and is not going anywhere any time soon.

Belinda (mum) - thank goodness for that.

Everyone agreed then Alex continued talking.

Alex - also I've reported to Sheriff Bob what's happened but I told him a lie when he asked about the leader of the gang.

He looks to dad.

James (dad) - how much time have I got to spend with me family?

Alex - the rest of your life.

Shane - wait what?

Lizzie - Alex what do you mean by that?

Alex - I told him you got shot so he thinks your dead and he won't be looking for you anymore.

Mum is filled with joy as she hugs dad, Jake has Summer on his lap so he's got her to hug same with Shane since he has Winter on his, Brittany is cuddling into Dean's neck. Why would he do this tho I stand up from my seat which makes them look to me mixed emotions are running though my body right now I am happy that we can build a new and hopefully better relationship with our father as well as building a new one with our brother but at the same time I wonder why Alex lied when he's loyal to Sheriff Bob.

Lizzie - why did you lie when you have always been loyal to Sheriff Bob Alex?

He sighs before answering me.

Alex - me and the other deputies throught that you guys should have a relationship with your dad so we came up with the idea to tell Bob that he was dead so he will stop looking for him to give you all a chance. And I wanted to see you happy Lizzie.

Lizzie - but I throught you didn't love me anymore.

Alex - I do love you Lizzie I've never said I didn't.

He loves me? Dean interrupts and asks what I was gonna ask.

Dean - then what was all that about on the hill?

Alex - that was me being a selfish prick when those words came out if your mouth I wanted to scoop you up in my arms and never let go and tell you how much I loved you too.

This time Shane spoke.

Shane - then why the hell didn't you?! You broke our sisters heart.

Jake - wait he did what now?

Jake stares draggers at Alex then both him and Shane try to stand up but thank God the girls are on their laps keeping them in place but that still doesn't stop Shane's mouth.

Shane - he dumped her just cuz she asked him not to tell the Sheriff that dad's here.

James (dad) - Shane that's not how it was and he didn't actually dump her.

Alex - Lizzie am so sorry about it and I will understand if you never want to see me again but let me say my peace  before someone kills me. I've loved you for many years and I will continue to do so I know I should have said I love you back the truth is I was selfish I didn't want you to have a relationship with your dad incase he hurts you again I was there when he left the first time and didn't come back I didn't want you to go through that again but after talking with the others I came to realise that you were right you should have a relationship with him. Also I wanted you to be the first to know that I've throught about this a lot and I've chosen to hand in my badge stepping down from being a deputy.

I gasp in surprise.

Lizzie - but you love being a deputy Alex it was your dream.

Alex - true but I love you even more being a deputy was only half of my dream the other was to have a life with you.

He takes off his badge as he talks he's giving up his dream job for me? No I can't let him do that I go over to him, take the badge out if his hand and put it back on him.

Lizzie - absolutely not you are not giving up this badge when you have worked so fucking hard for it in the first place.

Alex - Lizzie.........

I cut him off by putting a finger on his lips.

Lizzie - even tho am hurt about what you said and did but I can't let you do this and I sure as hell don't wanna lose you over this.

Alex - I don't wanna lose you either.

He goes to kiss me but I stop him.

Lizzie - not so fast Mr Quinn as of today you are on punishment which means no touching, kissing or fucking.

His face was priceless he looked like a kid that just had his candy taken away I could even hear my brother's snigger.

Alex - oh come on why that punishment?

Lizzie - I don't know what you are moaning about it just means I can't have your kisses either.

Jake has to open his mouth.

Jake - pay up Shane I called it.

Shane - dam it.

I look to my family and see Shane taking out money then giving it to Jake I could tell Shane was pissed but he will get over it soon he's probably happy I gave Alex a punishment tho both me and mum rolled our eyes those two are always doing that.

Belinda (mum) - don't you boys have chores to finish before supper. Dean why don't you help them as well.

The boys groaned.

James (dad) - boys you mind your mother.

Jake - yes sir, sorry mum

Shane - yes sir, sorry mum

Dean - yes sir, sorry mum

Mum giggles like a school girl only dad can get that kind of reaction out of her and get the boys to behave like that as the girls got off their laps Jake,Shane and Dean all went out the door I did notice Shane giving Alex glares mum, Brittany, Summer and Winter start cooking supper me and Alex went for a walk to talk about our problem's without my brothers or anyone butting in know they are looking out for me but I want to be with Alex I can see in his eye that he's sorry and the fact he brought Thunderhead here and that he was gonna give up his dream job for me, Dad has went upstairs to talk to Austin I am hoping we can move forward from all this and for us to be a family again.

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