Chapter 21 Part 2

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Lizzie p.o.v

Looks like we have a little reunion on our hands here however I can feel Alex tighten his grip on me I look up to him to see his giving my father a stare down by this time Colton and Ryder have thrown Chad onto the back of a horse speaking of horses something nibbles on my hair I turn to see Shadow.

Lizzie - Shadow my beautiful boy.

He whinnies happily at me as I pet him neck and give his nose a little kiss.

Alex - how come he gets a kiss and I only get a hug?

Jealous cunt I look back to Alex and wrap my arms around his neck pulling him towards me my lips go to his ear so i can whisper to him.

Lizzie - because if I was to kiss you now right I wouldn't be able to stop And would end up ripping off your clothes in front of everyone.

I hear him gulp I giggle then he whispers back to me.

Alex - maybe later I will devour that little pussy off yours leaving you dripping wet and make you scream my name

This time it's me that gulps then turn my attention back to Shane who is still looking at dad suddenly Shane rushes to him tackling him to the ground his men go to draw their gun but dad rasies a hand stopping them sure enough we all hear the sobs coming from Shane.

Shane - just leave us!?

I looked to Alex who nodded and let me go so I could go over just as dad sits up he uses his free in a motion that tells me to come into the hug so I do both Shane and dad wrap their arms around me. I swear I could hear some of his men tearing up.

James (dad) - men I think it's time to make a decision those that want to can leave and start living their lives the way they want and for the ones that want to stay I will pick someone I can put my complete trust in to lead them with new ways oh and the same goes for the girls. I dunno about you guys but I want to go home and spend the rest of my days with my family.

He looks to both me and Shane and smiling at us. There is some whisper and some chatting before some chose to leave but before they can their mark has to be covered up which means it either gets cut off or a cover up goes on it like a tattoo yes we have tattoos here as well.for the ones that wanted to stay dad picked his most loyal member Joshua or Josh as he likes to be called after breaking the hug from us he talks with Josh about some new rules to follow are Dean is coming home that's gonna be a shock for everyone tho but something else catches my eye.

Blake was talking to Hope with sure shyness in his eyes I've never seen him like that before he's never been shy around girls, Belle had gone up to Ryder who was keeping a eye on Chad who was gagged stil I did see Belle punching Chad tho and Ryder smiling, Colton was at his horse with Skylar she is actually a little scared of horses I know weird right but I see she blushing when he puts his hand onto her then gently places it on the horses neck looks like we might have some new couples in town. But what surprises me is Levi he's standing just out of wars reach with Dakota they look like they are arguing not sure what about tho as they are to far to hear.

Alex is chatting to Shane and Winter  but keeps looking to me making sure am ok Titan comes over to me after giving him a pet he looks over to the side and that's when I see her the female wolf from before.Titan goes over to her nuzzles her then she comes over to me with him beside her I kneel in front of them.

(A/N don't NOT try this wolves are wild animals that need both our respect and support this story is made for entertainment purposes only so please don't try this)

I put slowly put my hand out for her to sniff And see am not a threat she was hesitant but give my hand a little sniff. I was worried that someone would interrupt and she would attack or run away but luckily my family know not to disturb me when am doing things like this. I did wonder where the rest of the pack was tho I did have a few thoughts on my head that either they left the pack, other wolf had usurped the pack and chased them away or the one I hoped didn't happen the pack was killed It will take some tired to gain her trust.

James (dad) - Lizzie?

I look over to my dad.

Lizzie - yeah?

James (dad) - come here a moment please.

Titan stays with his mate as I go over to my dad as Josh walks away to the other members. I reach where my dad is and sit on the log beside him.

James (dad) - I wanted to talk to you about Alex over there and about what's gonna happen when we get back to the ranch.

Alex? Why does he want to talk about Alex?

Lizzie - what about Alex?

James (dad) - I know he's a deputy as well as the other that are here apart from Shane and that girl so there will be a chance that the sheriff will come for me and when he does I will give myself up so I just want to say to you that so sorry for everything and I love you and I am proud of the person you have become.

I start to tear up not once has dad ever said he is proud of me it was always the boys that got that praise. Dad pulls me into a hug As I let the tears out crying into his shirt.

Lizzie - I love you dad.

Now my heart is split two ways one side is happy that he's gonna come home with us but one the other hand as soon as sheriff Bob finds out he's back dad will leave us and hand himself in. I need to talk to Alex I know he's loyal to Sheriff Bob as are the others but I want dad in my life and it's been so long since mum had seen him but I could end up losing Alex.

After a while some come back some supplies for the trip back to the ranch too save us from being annoyed by Chad dad took him on his horse, Brittany who has meet Shane and Winter is riding with Dean, Skylar is gonna ride Colton who look so cute together, Belle and Ryder seem to be getting along too maybe a little romance there lets hope if there is she can boud with Aurora but she is kind and caring so she probably will, I notice that Blake helped Hope mount up I don't think she has ever ridden a horse before so she might be a bit sore after this ride, Dakota however is doing anything possible to stay away from Levi she even asked Winter if she could ride with her of course Winter said yes since she has her own horse I could be mistake but I could have swore I seen a bit of heartbreak in Levi's eyes. Of course I had to ride Shadow barebacked which didn't bother me Alex rode beside me he could probably tell I had something on my mind but he didn't say anything as we all rode off. Beast was in front of us and Titan was at the side with his mate I need to think of a nice name for her it's a long ride so I will have plenty of time to come up with a name and to think about what I was gonna say to Alex about my dad. One thing is for sure there will be a big reunion when we get home.

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