Chapter 19

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Lizzie p.o.v

So let's recap.

I was kidnapped by my asshole ex boyfriend who is now a member of the most feared gang in all the west, I've been brought to their hideout, met my dad again who's pissed at Chad, my brother who I thought was dead is actually alive and well and I just met his wife and now he's going to tell me how he's even alive.

Lizzie - I still can't believe you are alive we got told you went MIA then killed.

Dean - I was never dead the army just never found me, you see my sweet little sister I was MIA after my group got attacked on patrol only a few of us survived it but afterwards unfortunately I took an bullet to the shoulder causing me to fall off my horse, I called for help but it never came from the survivors so I tryd to make my way back to the fort luck wasn't on my side however as a bear must have smelled my blood or I wondered into its territory anyway It swipped my back with his claws.

He stands and turns lifting up his shirt sure enough there was scars on his back from where the bear had clawed him.

Lizzie - that's horrible, but one question how did you go from soldier to member of a gang?

He sits back down.

Dean - am getting to that part well at first i thought the bear had killed me but then dad and a few members found me of course I didn't know it was dad at the start since I left at a young age but he knew that I was his son so after some medical treatment I worked my way up the ranks then I meet Brittany and the rest speaks for itself.

I stand up and start to pace around the room running my fingers in my hair getting even more frustrated.

Lizzie - but why didn't you tell us you were alive I mean we brought a gravestone and placed it on the hill looking over the field's. Didn't you miss us or even care!?

Dean - Lizzie......

I rush into the bathroom locking the door as it's closes behind me well I say bathroom it's only got a bath, Sink with a counter and mirror it wasn't until am at the mirror when I see the toilet on the other side of the counter I guess the high up members get their own bathroom. I stare back at my reflection in the mirror my head is so messed up why didn't he come back or let us know he was ok? Mum was torn-up when she heard, Shane didn't eat and locked himself in his room for weeks, Jake tryed to hold us together the best he could, for 15 years we believed he was dead I blamed the colonel for it I mean what kind of man let's a 10 year old join the army in the first place?

In case I forgot to tell you guys here's our ages now.

Jake Jones - 26
Dean Jones - 25
Lizzie Jones - 23
Shane Jones - 23
Austin Jones - 13

I couldn't hold in the tears anymore as they come pouring out my eyes as memories come flying back into my mind, Jake and Dean giving me and Shane piggyback rides, hot summers down by the lake, sneaking snacks late at night(mum doesn't know that), mum baking us cookies, one time I fell off my horse and hurt my knee Jake carried me back home, Jake and Dean racing each other to see who was faster, then 2 years after Dean left Austin was born so he doesn't know Dean that well. I brought out of my thoughts by a knock on the door making wipe my tears away.

Lizzie - who is it?

Brittanys voice can be heard on the other side.

Brittany - it's Brittany, I came to see how you are, you have been in there for a while now

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