Chapter 14

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Lizzie p.o.v

The next day am now looking around for Jake since i didnt get a chance to talk to him yesterday all though lunch him and Summer kept stealing glaces at each other I usually don't get involde in my brothers love life but with I can't get what Sumner said last night out of my mind. With Alex helping Shane and Gus fixing the fences, Summer and Winter helping muck out the stables, my mum and Austin are doing chores around the house i finally I find him sorting out which horse is going to the sale with help from Banner. He's now checking over one of the mares.

Jake - hoofs look good, coat nicely brushed, mane......Oh hey sis.

Lizzie - hey bro can we talk?

Jake - sure what's up?

Lizzie - well you know I don't like beating around the bush.

Jake - yeah I know hold on a sec, banner!

Banner comes over gently nudges the mare getting her to go in the pen with the other horses for the sale.

Lizzie - anyway I know you heard what Summer said last night.

He signs I can see 're saddens in his eyes.

Jake - yeah I did hear it.

Lizzie - Jake do you have feelings for Summer?

Jake looks to me and nods.

Lizzie - oh my god but she said that you......

Jake - I lied ok She was only 15 and I was 18 I had no choice. I was waiting until she was 18 to tell her I spent 4 years trying to at least have a friendship with her just so I could have her in my life but after that day she cut me off.

Lizzie - Jake she saw you making out with other girl of course she was gonna be just by that.

Jake - oh that was my fault I throught it would have been a good idea to you know see other women to try and take my mind off Summer.

Lizzie - that's sad Jake mum told you boys to respect women you could have told her the truth it would have hurt less. Do you have any idea how much pain that girl has been though and now she doesn't trust any man.

Jake - don't you think I know that lizzie!!!

He shouts at me, throwing his hat to the ground and running his finger though his hair he's frustrated as he presseshis back against the fence and slips down being his knees to his chest as he sits down the ground.

Jake - she hates me the woman I love hates me.

Am taken back by that did he just say he loves her? I let out a sign then go and sit beside him.

Lizzie - am so sorry Jake for the way I treated you it's just Sumner is one of my best friends and it hurt to see her like that I didn't know what was wrong with her then now I do. I think you should talk to her you both need closure on this.

Jake - I've tryed lizzie she doesn't want anything to do with me She hates me to much.

Before I could respond a voice makes us looks up.

Summer - that's not true.

We both look to see Summer standing there red faced with her hands behind her back.

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