Chapter 10

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Lizzie p.o.v

We dismounted then my family came rushing over mum wrapped me up in her arms tears of joy in her eyes.

Belinda (mum) - my baby girl thank goddnes you are safe.

I wipe a tear from her cheek.

Lizzie - did you expect any less mum?

We share a laugh then she notices Summer and Winter a wide smile comes on her face.

Belinda (mum) - so good to see you girls again, how is your family?

They both smile.

Summer - its good to see you too Belinda.

Yeah they call my mum by her name she lets them and see them as family after all the years standing and always having my back.

Winter - our family are well our mother says hello and......

She stops mid sentence I see at the corner of my eye I see that both Winter and my twin Shane she always did have a crush on him. It's the same for Summer she has a crush on Jake of course either one of them noticed. Jake and Shane wrap me up in the biggest bear hug I've ever had in my life.

Jake - so good to see you home and safe little sister.

Shane - and you have brought the herd back.

I look to Shane but his eyes are on Winter and gives her a small smile Suddenly am taken off my feet by a happy Austin.

Austin - your back I knew you would.

He hugs me when he pulls back and Alex helps me to my feet.

Austin - are us two finally together?

My mum's eyes widen in surprise But then there is a look of happiness on her face as of she would have known how he felt about me....wait did she know?

Lizzie - mum did you know that Alex has feelings for me?

She nods while Jake and Shane both look confused am guessing they didn't know about it then Shane stupidly asks something that sadden.

Shane - Lizzie where's Titan?

I sign sadly before answering.

Lizzie - he's running with his pack.

My eyes start to water but I quickly wipe them before any could come out i hear my brothers gasp they knew how much Titan meant to me I feel Alex place his hand on my shoulder I look to him I couldn't help but throw myself into his arms softly sobbing into his chest as he rubs my back I hear my mum giggling causing me to pull apart from him.

Belinda (mum) - let us go inside for for supper. Summer, Winter and Alex I would like for you to spend the night with us.

They agree to stay the night Gus and Jake cool down the horses as we go inside the house. When I get inside I am trackled to the ground once again but this time by two german shepherds Beauty and Beast. After getting the dogs off me we sit at the table for a nice supper I hold of on telling them about father being the the Black hand gangs leader. Jake and Gus soon join us Jake sits next to Summer who is blushing like a mad. It was soon time to sleep myself, Summer and Winter were in my room talking they have been asking me about Alex so I throught it would be a laugh to turn the table.

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