Chapter 30 Part 2

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Alex p.o.v

We raced to the old mansion unfortunately once we got to the lake we were in for a shock the mansion was on fire not thinking or wanting to waste time I rushed over but Blue was getting scared of the flames so I jumped off her and run towards the fire. Suddenly I am grabbed I look round to see that's it's Ryder and Jake that are holding me back from going in there.

Alex - let me go!!!!!

The building starts to collapse I struggle to get free but they are not letting me go. It completely comes down I can't hold back the tears as they come from my eyes as I yell.

Alex - LIZZIE!!!!!!!!!!!!

My whole body goes limp as i fall to the ground my tears running down my cheeks onto the grass. She gone I couldn't save her I failed. I can hear her brothers and father talking behind me and I can feel the rain coming down from above thank goodness we are wearing our jackets.

Jake - this can't be right not my baby sister.

Dean - she can't be..

James - this can't be I just got my family back.

Shane - she's not dead.

Shane says that but I don't think anyone heard him.

Blake - now what do we do?

Ryder - we have to look around maybe there is something we can use.

I feel a hand on my shoulder I know it's Colton's as I look up to meet his eyes I can see the pain in his eyes too as am sure he can see the same in mine I look away from Colton and look back to the wet grass suddenly I see something moving at the corner of my eye causing me to turn my head only to see Titan sniffing the ground before looking towards my direction then looks off into the forest behind the mansion. Is there something down that way? Only two people will know since they were up here then a thought comes to mind.

Alex - Levi.

No one hears me since they are to busy about what to do now I find the strength to stand up and I turn to look at everyone.

Alex - Levi!!

Levi looks to me.

Levi - wha........fuck

He couldn't even finish his sentence as I tackle him to the grass and lay punch after punch

Colton - what the fuck Alex? Stop!!

Ryder and Blake pull me off him.

Blake - what's gonna into you?

I couldn't stop the words coming out my mouth as I let my feelings known I angrily point to Levi who's holding his bloody nose

Alex - that little shit is lying

Levi - what no I didn't I've told you everything...........

Jake steps in between us

Jake - Levi what exactly was Chad doing here?

Shane and James help Levi up.

Levi - I am not sure but we were always on the basement.......

He cut off by Titan howling in the distance he only does that when he's found something.

Alex - Titan's found something.

After we mount up again we head off in the direction Titan's howl is coming from Shane comes up beside me.

Shane - Alex she's alive I can feel it.

Just then I can hear Lizzie's voice in my head. "I love you Alex"

Alex - I believe you Shane but if he's hurt her in anyway I am killing him on the spot.

Shane nods to me.

Shane - understood.

We soon spot Titan up ahead he's pointing to somewhere he starts to move so we follow him Lizzie's dad is a little nervous since Titan is a wolf well half wolf but Jake and Shane reassure him and since Lizzie raised and trained him we should trust him but I do wonder where he is leading us.

Lizzie p.o.v

I am not sure when I fell asleep but I woke up to the sound of the door opening when I look to the day door I see Chad with two trays of food he speaks as he puts them on the floor in front of the bed.

Chad - be grateful that our guest is getting food if it were up to me I would let her starve.

Before I could respond Skylar does.

Skylar - "her" has a name.

I look around to see Skylar I go over to help her as she sits up.

Lizzie - easy Skylar.

Chad - take your hands off her now Lizzie.

Lizzie - Bite me Chad she's hurt and needs my help.

Chad - maybe I should hurt her some more then?

Lizzie - No!!!

I stand up from the bed I stand in front of him staring right into his evil eyes not backing down but he just scoff at me and rolls his eyes.

Chad - whatever, now don't do anything stupid I will be back soon.

He turns heels slamming the door closed as he leaves us alone I turn my attention back to Skylar.

Lizzie - oh Skylar am so sorry I got you into this mess.

Skylar - Lizzie don't worry about me am tougher then I look and beside I've had worse. Ouch...

She holds her ribs.

Skylar - I think my ribs are bruised.

I sit next to her as she pulls her top up over her stomach to reveal her ribs bruised up before she says anything else her eyes go to my hand.

Skylar - your hand!?

Lizzie - yeah he slammed it on the door.

Skylar's eyes widen when I tell her that and she starts to panic.

Skylar - what are we gonna do? We have to get out of her, what if the guys never find us after all he did move us from the mansion......

Lizzie - say what now?

Skylar - didn't you feel us being moved?

I shake my head no when did he move us?

Skylar - he moved us from the mansion before setting it on fire dunno where he brought us tho.

Lizzie - how do you know this?

Skylar - oh I wasn't fully knocked out yet so I saw him but couldn't move. I've always done that it was useful for being in the gang to check for guys coming into our room late at night.

Lizzie - that's kinda creepy but is useful can Hope use that too?

She nods yes.

Lizzie - could you teach me how to do that?

Skylar - sure but it will take practice.

Over the next couple of hours Skylar teaches me her trick when suddenly the locks on the door start to unlock making us both looks towards the door which slowly opens up and there standing in the doorway makes both of our jaws drop we couldn't believe it.

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