Chapter 26

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Lizzie p.o.v

To say my family were going to be surprised was an understatement unfortunately by the time we got back we couldn't tell them as someone had called upon us for other bounty hunt so we decided to tell everyone when I got back which won't be to long as the person we are looking for isn't that far away. After getting ready we gave our men a quick kiss Alex didn't want to let me go as I left his arms but he knew I would be back soon so we mounted up then set off.

First we were going into town to meet with the Sheriff about who we were after Alex came with us to the sheriff's office since he was going there anyway. Once we got there and dismounted the went inside sheriff Bob wasted no time in telling us who we were after but that's not all.

Lizzie - what the hell happened here?!

Colton is holding his bloody nose while Skylar is fixing up his arm, Hope and Dakota are cleaning up the mess with help from Blake and Ryder while Belle is holding a shaken up Aurora while Levi is sitting with his head in his hands which are all red and cut up. Alex goes down to check on the cells while we found out what's going on.

Sheriff Bob - well I went to the saloon for a drink then when I came back I found it like this.

Summer - how long were you there for?

Sheriff Bob - only a few minutes maybe 5.

A sound of a scoff causes us to look at Colton.

Colton - yeah right try 20.

Colton sneers at his father Alex did tell us about Bob and Vanessa sleeping together can't say I blame him if my dad and slept with that slut I would be pissed at him too even tho she seems to be changing herself for the baby but i don't believe anything she says. Nearly everyone in the town hates her but I do feel sorry for the baby it's not it's fault after all.

Lizzie - so Colton can you tell us what happened?before I lose my mind.

He looks to me

Colton - sure thing Lizzie well I was taking some food down to the cells as I usually do even tho that's usually Levi's job. Anyway when I reached Chad's cell and opened his door he rushed at me before I could even close the door when it hit me in the face. He must of grab my knife since when I chased after him he cut my arm then stole my horse and took off Oh and before you ask the others wouldn't here yet.

Summer - so then why is Aurora shaking.

Ryder - I can answer that we were coming over here when Chad galloped past us nearly running over her but Belle got to her in time.

Poor kid Chad nearly trampled her he must of been planning this for a while then a thought comes to my mind. By this time Alex comes back and gets filled in on what's been said.

Lizzie - if I know Chad there is two places he would go. His father's fort or he will hide out somewhere then...........oh no

Everyone looks to me with a confused look apart from Winter, Summer and Alex who look at me with a concerned look.

Summer/Winter - Lizzie?

Alex - baby?

Lizzie - am pretty sure he will try to get revenge on me or the people I love and care for.

I clench my hand into a fist at the thought of Chad hurting some I love my family, my friend's or even Alex I will end him before he even gets close. Alex must have known because he wraps his arms around me holding me into his chest.

Alex - it's ok my love he won't hurt anyone.

Lizzie - I know but am not risking it we will find him and he will either be dead or alive.

Summer - where should we start looking?

(A/N short chapter guys sorry haven't been feeling well lately don't worry it's nothing serious so am gonna take a break but I will be back soon )

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