Chapter 22

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Lizzie p.o.v

I can feel Alex watching me as we ride home he knows something is wrong with me but knowing him he's not gonna push me for answers until am ready to give them. After we stopped for a quick break we set off again I've got so many things going though my mind I don't notice Alexs hand on mine until he pulls Shadows reins thanks Goodness they brought them with them when they left the ranch. I look up to Alex he has a concerned look on his face.

Alex - Lizzie what's wrong I know you are upset.

I guess I have to tell him now we let the others go ahead of us they are just out of reach when I start talking.

Lizzie - it's my dad I know he's done some bad things and I know you are loyal to Sheriff Bob but please don't tell him my dad's at the ranch.

Alex - Lizzie j know he's your dad and All but he's a dangerous man yes he might be wanting to come home to you guys but what if he hurts someone or even you... Wait did he ask you to talk to me?

Oh great (!) I knew he was gonna say that.

Lizzie - we did talk Alex no he didn't ask me I wanted to he wants to spend time with his family he even said that if Bob comes for him he will hand himself in.

What Alex says next both breaks my heart and shocks me.

Alex - you can't actually believe that anyone can see he's trying to take advantage of you to save his own stupid skin even you can't be that stupid or naive to see that.

His eyes go wide when he realise what he just said.

Alex - Lizzie I .......

He does to reach for my hand but I cut him off by raising my hand.

Lizzie - don't bother Alex your right I should have known better.

With that I rode away from him catching up with the others Alex calls for me but I ingrone him and ride up beside Winter and Shane who ask me what's wrong but I just shake my head that I don't wanna talk right now so we continued the journey. We only stopped to eat, rest and water the horses and for us as well while having a rest I had taken the Winter to the side and tell her what's happening.

Winter - oh my god.

Lizzie - maybe it was too much to ask of him  but I just want some time with dad before he turns himself in cuz you know what will happen.

She nods.

Winter - yeah he will get hanged for his crimes as a gang leader.

That's true if you are a gang leader then there is a 50/50 chance you could get hanged depending on how bad your crimes are just thinking about it made my eyes water Winter rubs her hand on my back trying to comfort me.

Winter - Lizzie Alex loves you am sure he's only doing it cuz he doesn't want you to get hurt again remember how you were when your dad left?

She's right I was really upset I glance over to Alex he's chatting to the other deputies, Shane Is talking to dad, Dean and Brittany, the girls are giggling about something probably about the deputies apart from Dakota who keeps staring at Levi I wonder way it couldn't be that. Soon we set off again Alex doesn't come near me which I can understand I guess my relationship with him is over and soon he will tell the Sheriff and my dad will be gone again.

Soon enough we can see the ranch Titan went off with his mate probably to find a den, my dad has given Chad over to the deputies who will be heading for town the girls are going with them Dakota is even riding with Blake so Alex has Chad on Blue they set off I look to Alex but get nothing not even a goodbye I look to Winter who motions her head to say something before he goes.

Lizzie - Alex?

He doesn't look to me but the other deputies do oh fuck no he's not ignoring me so this time I say his full name with my eyes filled with tears.

Lizzie - Alex Quinn if you don't look at me I will break you god dam ass.

That got his attention he turns his head and making eye contact with me I can see the hurt in his eyes I can't stop my mouth as I say the words.

Lizzie -

He doesn't even say anything as he rides away my heart breaks even more I take out my chain and pendant that we gave each other on our 10th year anniversary he has half and I have the other the tears I was holding in start to fall suddenly I hear Shane's voice.


He's red in the face with anger the deputies have looked back to us apart from Alex which make Shane go to draw his gun but me and Winter stop him.

Lizzie - lets go.

Shane - but......

Winter - Shane please let get home.

We then set off for the ranchi take one last glance at Alex before whispering "goodbye Alex". Arriving at the ranch Jake is the first to spot us and calls for the others mum came running out gasping upon seeing dad, Jake's in shock too but gives me a hug along with Summer Austin hugs me tight as well Beast has went into the house to find Beauty. At first mum slaps dad calling him every name under the sun but soon hugs him and soon calls Austin over dad can't believe his eyes.

James (dad) - is this?

Belinda (mum) - yes, Austin this is your father.

Austin gasp then turns and runs he needs time he's never known dad Jake on the other hand wraps dad in a big bear hug then turns his attention to Dean and Brittany who haven't said a word.

Jake - who's this? Friends of yours?

Mum gasps again while looking at Dean.

Dean - hello mum

Belinda - Dean?

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