Chapter 25

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Lizzie p.o.v

3 months later (+18)

It's been a nice few months not much as happened apart from dad being back for now he's not left the ranch as we can't risk the sheriff seeing him but his realtionship with mum has gotten better now dad is thinking of passing the ranch to us and retiring but that remains unclear, after having a heart to heart with Austin he seems to be bonding well with his youngest son.

Dean has been helping us around the ranch his bond with Jake has gotten stronger then it was before and mum was thrilled to know she had a daughter in law now in Brittany they have both settled in well to ranch life with Brittany helping mum out around the house as well as helping care for the horses. We haven't forgotten about Gus, Ruby and Caleb since they only love next door who still help us out as well now that the bridge over the river is done but there is still work to be done.

Crystal has moved into her brothers house but still comes up now that mum is homeschooling both her and Austin when he's not doing his chores. I may be speaking to soon but he seems to be having feelings for Crystal I may or may not have caught him giving her a kiss on the cheek and he may have said it to her.

Shane is still annoyed at Alex but is slowly coming round with help from Winter. Talking about Winter me, her, Summer and Ruby have started bounty Hunting again their relationships with my brothers are getting stronger every day. we have caught some bandits bring them to Sheriff Bob unfortunately Chad is still in the cells and keeps begging me to bail him out but there's no way in hell that's happening funny enough Vanessa is trying to get him to be a father to her baby not he's not interested yeah Alex told us about that too.

I was surprised to see that Skylar is in training to become a deputy and has started a realtionship with Colton who's like a lovesick puppy when she's around him which makes me think of how much I miss Alex's touch even tho I see him every day. Blake and hope have become a couple now as well as Belle and Ryder, when Belle meet Aurora it did take a while for them to bond but now they look are so happy together.

Levi is still trying to win Dakota back I found out that they were together before she left the reason why he cheated on her and she cheated on him from what she told me it they were drunk and thought they had slept with each other when it was other people they had slept with even tho it was both their first times and they wanted it with each other but of course it didn't work out that way this happened before she was left in the mountains so yeah.

I've been slowly gaining the she-wolves trust good thing that their den is on our land so we know they are safe I think she might be pregnant since she won't let me near the den tho but Titan seems to be doing everything he can to gain her trust in humans probably to show her not all humans are bad. Oh speaking of pregnant we found out a few days ago that Beauty was pregnant and had given birth to 6 pups in the barn 3 males and 3 females we have yet to pick names for them.

Myself and Alex have been on lots of dates I can see how much this punishment is taking it toll on not just much but me too so tonight am gonna end his punishment. I've asked him to come with me to our special spot on the edge of my families territory we had found it when we were kids and used to go there a lot but haven't in years. I have planned a surprise for him once we are there and alone, we soon arrive and dismount our horses to make sure they don't get bored we take off their tack so they can move about.

Alex - it feel like years since we were last here.

Lizzie - that course it has.

I take his hand and he gives me a confused look as I lead him into the cave moving the vines hanging over the opening out of the way and head down a small tunnel good thing I had "borrowed" Jake's torch cuz it pitch dark in here. We reach the end and step out into an underground cavern. As we step forward he sees the blanket and picnic I set up earlier unknowning that am behind him taking off my clothes.

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