Chapter 16 Part 1

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Alex p.o.v

A few weeks later and thing's have actually calmed down at the ranch Ruby, Gus and little Caleb are now living together at Gus place, Ruby even helps out around the ranch when she can.

Shane and Winter have been going out on dates they became a couple the same as Jake and Summer which shocked everyone since she didn't like him I dunno what happened but she seems to be giving him a chance.

I was worried for lizzie when she broke down in my arms and spend two days in bed crying I took her to the towns therapist turns out it was all the stress from the last few days that caused it so he suggested that she needs a nice rest which is what she did we all chipped in to help with her chorus. Now she's seems to be getting back to her normal self and even let me take her on a picnic date it went better than I throught it would Lizzie even spends time with Ruby again after a little mud wrestling.

Sheriff Bob came back with some of the soilders from the frot this morning and called all his deputies in for a meeting so after telling Lizzie I will see her in a bit I head for the office in town. Once I get close I see some of the others waiting outside but not Blake only Ryder and Colton they both have worried looks on their faces as they see me when I dismount and tie Blues reins to the hitching post.

Alex - hey guys whats going on?

No one says a thing which is weird since it hard to shut these guys up I do notice Aurora isn't here today.

Alex - hey Ryder wheres Aurora?

Ryder - she's with her grandparents I asked them to take care of her for a little while.

That's not like him his parent's live on the other side of the country

Alex - oh ok so where's Bob?

Colton speaks up this time.

Colton - Alex...

Before he could continue Blake rides up with Levi.

Levi - hey bitches

I roll my eyes at that and notcie that Ryder and Colton are a little annoyed at Levis attitude more then usual

Blake - what's going on?

Before anyone could say a word the front door opens and Sheriff Bob comes out.

Sheriff Bob - good you both are here Alex, Blake come in the rest stay out here.

Me and Blake look to each other Blake shugs his shoulders not knowing what's going on so we head in behind Bob. Right away we can hear someone sobbing soon we see sitting at Bob's desk seeing its a girl with her head down.

Sheriff Bob - your brothers are here Crystal.

Crystal? The girl looks over to us and it is our baby sister Crystal well she's not a baby she's 13. Crystal stands up and rushes to us her eyes filled with tears, her hair is a mess she looks like she hasn't eaten it slept in days.

 Crystal stands up and rushes to us her eyes filled with tears, her hair is a mess she looks like she hasn't eaten it slept in days

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Crystal Quinn

Alex - Crystal whats happened?

Blake kneels down to her and hugs her.

Blake - it's gonna be ok sis talk to us.

Crystal stutters as she talks.

Crystal -

She doesn't say a word after that but only crys even more into Blake's shoulder I look to Bob who's watching us with such sad eyes.

Alex - sheriff whats going on?

He signs before answering me.

Sheriff Bob - Blake put Crystal in my office then come back and get the others you will all need to hear this.

Crystal - no I don't wanna be alone.

Sheriff Bob - it's ok Crystal you will be safe in there try and get a little sleep you have been though at lot.

Blake does what Bob says taking her into Bob's office then comes back then the other come in and we all sit down and listen to what Bob has to tell us but something inside me is telling me it's not good. Lots of questions are going though my head,

what happened to Crystal?
How did she get like that?
How did she even get her by herself?
What has happened to mum?

Levi - so what's going on boss?

Sheriff Bob - so as you all know I went to the frot to ask them if they could spare a few men to help us out with The Black head Gang and the colonel said yeah so we picked a few who are the ones in the saloon the now. Anyway on the way back we spotted Crystal walking although the road when she saw us she was scared shaking with fear and was gonna run but she must have recognized me cuz before I knew it she had ran into me running. She didnt say a word until we got back here when she told us what has happened then I asked Ryder and Colton to get you and Blake.

Alex - so what did happen?

Sheriff Bob - well hope you guys are ready cuz it's not anything good. Crystal told us that she and her mum were having lunch a few days ago when a man came in and took them hostage.

Oh no I put my head into my hands I can feel a hand rubbing my back my little sister had to go though that and I couldn't help her and mum......

Blake - what about our mother?

I could tell Blake was getting mad about this so was I but I wasn't showing it yet until Sheriff Bob told us the rest.

Sheriff Bob - am so sorry boys but your mum is dead. Crystal told us that your mum was r@ped, had her throat slit then burned all in front of Crystal afterwards she was left at the roadside.

Everyone gasp in horror Blake stands up and starts to pace around the room running his hand though his hair letting out a frustrated sign then asks the one question we need answers for.

Blake - who did this?!

Sheriff Bob - we found out from the colonel that it was Chad they have found his dog tag and heard that he had disappeared from him no one knew where he was there was also a rumour that he has joined the Black hand gang.

After hearing that I lost it my eyes were blind with rage.

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