Chapter 5

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Lizzie p.o.v

We have been riding though this deep forest for two days now at some parts we have had to dismount and lead our horses though. Alex has been trying to talk to me about something but I don't wanna hear it right now I just want to find my families herd and get them home.

Titan is ahead of us when he sits down.

Alex - what's wrong with him? Is he sick or something?

I roll my eyes he doesn't know Titan like i do.

Lizzie - no it's not him that's the problem we will be clearing the forest soon.

Then I looked up inbetween the trees and Alex looks up.

Alex - you have got to be kidding me!! A fucking snow storm.

Lizzie - looks like it will start soon so we better get moving or it will be much hard for Titan to track the herd.

Suddenly Shadow jumps backwards whinning nervously.

Lizzie - easy boy Easy shhhhh.

I look around to see what could be bothering him when I see something in some thick mud so I dismount and make my way over but Alex blocks my way he must have jumped off Blue.

Alex - Lizzie don't.

Lizzie - why what's gonna into you?

I look over to it and that's when I see it our families mark I shove Alex out the way and go closer than I see who it is.

Lizzie - oh Red no.

Red was the first horse I rode since horses live for 30 years or so he was an older horse about 26 i believe he's also Shadows father. Being careful not to get stuck in the mud I check him there's a bullet hole in his head. They shot him he must have got stuck so they shot him.

A few stray tears run down my cheek as I turn back to Alex and the horses without warning he takes me in his arms and holds me we stay there so a few minutes before I pull away but Alex keeps me in his arms.

Lizzie - am ok now.

An ice cold breeze passes right though us.

Alex - that storm is coming fast we have to find shelter.

Lizzie - yeah.

Alex - and we need to get you out of those clothes.

I look up to him in shock what the hell? Am about to slap him but he catches my hand.

Alex - not in that way lizzie your clothes are wet and muddy you need to change or you will get sick.

Lizzie - ohhh.

We mount up and start riding again soon we clear the forest and are now at the foot off the mountain but we can't go much further since the snow has start to come down and it's coming down hard. Titan spots a cave and dashes for it to check it out lucky for us it's enough and not in use so while Alex gets some fire wood I take off my clothes to clean and dry them apart from my underwear which are fine.

But I left my bag with my clothes in it on a rock so just when I step out from behind Shadow to get it Alex comes back.

Alex - Here's the.....holy fuck.

Lizzie - fuck Alex!!! Turn around!

He quickly turns and starts to make a fire Shadow whinnes happily like hes laughing at this. I use him to cover myself as I walk over to get my shirt out of my bag it's no use my water bottle has open and all my clothes as well as the inside of my bag is all wet.

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