Chapter 3

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Lizzie p.o.v

I gasp when I hear that and with my brothers, the sheriff and deputys along with Chad we rush back to the ranch. Once we get back i see the fence is broken and both the horses we were gotta take to the sale and our herd are gone. Jake goes to check on mum Shane takes the sheriff and a few of the deputys to have a look around I go to the stables as I can hear barking. Once I get to the door I notice the bit of wood over the door I try to lift it but it's heavy two more hands go onto it i look to see Alex and together we lift it and throw to the side. I open the door the suddenly both Beast and Titan come out but where's Beauty?

Lizzie - Beauty!!!!

I whistle for her then I hear whimpering coming from an open stable so I check it and there she is on the hay Alex comes in behind me.

Alex - is she ok?

I check her over being careful not to hurt her.

Lizzie - i don't see any blood but I will get Shane to look her over.

Shanes is a trained vet so he will be able to tell Beast comes back in and genltely nuzzles his mate. Chad comes in and places his hand on my shoulder I look back to him but I can't help but notice that Alex is glaring at Chad what is his problem? With the both of them behind me I walk back to the house I see Jake with mum talking to the sheriff.

Sheriff Bob - am so sorry this happened to you Belinda we will do everthing we can to find your horses.

Belinda (mum) - it all happens so fast.

Lizzie - mum..

She looks to me and I pull her into a hug then I see Shane coming with Gus and the deputys.

Sheriff Bob - any news?

Shane - we lost the trial at the river sorry mum.

One of the other deputys says it looked like the Black hand gang the most feared gang in the west. My mum's in tears now we can't pay the bilis if we have no horses.

Lizzie - i will get them back.

Eveyone looks at me.

Sheriff Bob - lizzie that's a very dangerous thing to say you have heard what the black hand gang do to women Let us handle them.

Lizzie - no sheriff am not scared of them and i am the best female gunslinger in the west.

Sheriff Bob - you are brave lizzie but you can't go alone.

Before I can say anything.

Alex - i will go with her.

Before anyone could say anything.

Lizzie - fuck that!!

Alex looks hurt by that dunno why

Sheriff Bob - lizzie either Alex goes with you or you don't go at all.

Lizzie - why can't go myself or one of my brothers comes?

Belinda (mum) - sweetie even tho I don't think this is a good idea i need your brothers here. I know you can take care of yourself but I think Alex should go with you. You both are a good team.

She's not wrong we did make a good team before he left.

Lizzie - fine.

I look to him our eyes connect.

Lizzie - I set off in 1 hour don't be late.

Chad - am going too.

Sheriff Bob - Chad that's not a good idea. For one you don't have a gun and no offense but you aren't the fastest rider.

Chad - but I wanna help my girlfriend.

Mum looks at me in shock she never did like Chad that much.

Belinda (mum) - sweetie you didn't tell me that you are back with Chad.

Lizzie - am not And Chad I never gave you an answer before so I will give you one when I come back.

Chad smiles. I go to pack some stuff for as Austin calls it "The hunt is on" where I go for a bounty hunt Alex went back to his to get some stuff for himself. An hour later am ready to leave Shane has told me where the trial ended Alex is back waiting for me Chad comes up to me before I mount Shadow.

Chad - hey be safe ok

I nod to him then He kisses me it's a sweet kiss and all but no sparks I soon pull back and mount Shadow.

Belinda (mum) - be careful and come home

I nod.

Lizzie - Titan lets go!!

Me as Alex set off little did I know that this mission would change my life.

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