Chapter 27

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Chad p.o.v

So fucking stressful!!!! If only Lizzie would have done what she was made for and stayed with me tending to my every need like a good woman none of this would of happened. It's a good thing I've escaped and I know where am gonna hide for a while then take Lizzie there and teach her respect but first I need to tie up some lose ends one in particular Vanessa. She thinks I will give a dam about that thing that inside her? Hell no I was only using her to make Lizzie jealous and come running back to me but it didn't work so I don't want it I will need to take care of it first but how? I could push her down the stairs in her house.......naw to easy ohhh I know.

After a couple of hours It's dark enough to make my move so I head back to town and stop Colton's horse behind Vanessa's house I knew she was home since her lights are on but I need make sure that she's alone. Quietly sneaking up to the window I peek inside to see her sitting on the couch reading a book, really? A book? I was kinda expecting her to be with someone. There's a knock on her door so she gets up and goes to answers it after a few seconds she comes back in to my surprise Lizzie comes in as well I quietly open the window to listen to their conversation as they both sit down.

Vanessa - I will admit I am surprised to see you here.

Lizzie - I know but I wouldn't be here if I didn't need too be.

Vanessa - I know so what's can I do for you?

Lizzie - am not gonna sugarcoat it here so I will just come out and say it.

Shit this can't be good for me anyway.

Lizzie - Chad has escaped.

Vanessa gasps her face full in fear good I love that affect that I have on people, she wraps both of her arms around her belly which looks horrible that thing has ruined her body.

Vanessa - do you think that he might come after me and my baby?

Lizzie - I wouldn't put it past him, sheriff Bob has nearly everyone looking for him before me does anything That's why I came here first.

Goddam it!!!.....wait they don't know am here already tho. Smiling to myself I keep listening to them talking about me and how they will catch me blah blah blah blah blah blah soon enough Lizzie gets up and leaves but not before telling Vanessa to be safe and if she needs help to call her. As they go to the front door I sneak to the back door I try the handle and its open Vanessa never was very smart only a easy fuck being quiet I go inside quietly closing the door behind me I hear someone calling so I hid under the table. I watch as Vanessa walks past and locks the door then goes over to the sink to pour herself a glass of water I peek out to see her rubbing my bump talking to it.

Vanessa - don't worry little one I won't let anyone hurt you even if we have to move away from here and start a new life I will.....

She went on about how she will give the brat the best life it could have not on her life. As Vanessa starts to walk away I take the opportunity to come out from the table and with one hand grab her arm twisting it behind her back then with the other hand I cover her mouth so she can't scream for help she drops the glass of water I can feel her shiver as I whisper in her ear.

Chad - miss me?

She mumbled something which I couldn't make out since my hand was coving her mouth I roughly push her towards the living room she does struggle to get out of my grip but soon gives up she must know by now that I am stronger then her all men are stronger then weak pathetic women. The only reason women were put on this world or any world is to serve and satisfy the needs of men nothing more. I shove Vanessa to the ground she lands with the thump then looks up the me with such fear in her eyes.

Vanessa - Chad please.

Good she begging just the way I like.

Vanessa - don't my baby.

Chad - don't you mean "our" baby?

Vanessa gasps even more fear in her eyes.

Vanessa - but I thought you didn't want the baby?

Chad - I do want babies just not with you. Lizzie will have my babies weather she wants to or not.

Vanessa - for god's sack she doesn't want you so leave the poor girl alone she loves Alex.

Chad - not for long.

Vanessa - wha........aghhhhhhhhhhh

She didn't even finish her sentence as I start to kick her in her stomach sure enough she uses her arms to cover her stomach pathetic it gets me even anger as I kick her harder she's starts to sob.

Chad - really? Your gonna fucking cry now?! You should of sticked to the plan it's your fault that it failed now you will pay for it.

I grab her by the hair starting to pull her out the room I drag her to the basement door then open it. Vanessa eyes widen as she sees what am gonna do and starts to scream.

Vanessa - No!!!!! please someone help me!!!!.

Again women are pathetic she struggles even more as o go to throw her down the stairs to the basement suddenly there's a loud bang on the door.

Lizzie - Vanessa?!

Vanessa - Lizzie help!!!!..........ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

I would never think that she would ever ask my lizzie for help she couldn't even finish her sentence when I pushed her down the stairs knowing Lizzie she would have drawn her gun so I run for the back door as there is a smashing sound from the front door. I quickly unlock the door and open it but when I get out there Colton's horse isn't where I left it so I am gonna steal one from Vanessa's stable so I rush over while getting shot at since I can hear someone after me. I reach the stables and find a horse and mount up kicking my heels in the horse gallop's out the doorway nearly knocking that asshole Alex on his ass dunno where he came from but right now I don't care I need to get away and fast.

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