Chapter 28

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Lizzie p.o.v

After leaving Vanessa's I felt uneasy when I mounted shadow he was acting strange like he was trying to tell me something out of nowhere he turns and goes to the back of Vanessa's house to my surprise their is Colton's horse I can never remember what's Colton called it tho or which one it is since he has 14 horses at his place. Then it came to me Chad is nearby or is already in the house with........

Lizzie - Shit.

Since I had Beast with me he started to growl towards the house I went into my saddlebag and took out a piece of paper and a pencil and wrote down "Chad's at Vanessa's hurry" then after putting the pencil back in my saddlebag I tuck the call for Beast who sits Infront of me so I kneel down tucking the paper into his collar I say to him

Lizzie - Beast find Alex.

He knows commands like that he quickly runs off. Soon I see Alex and Colton coming they stop as I walk over to them.

Colton - you sure he's here it's too quiet.

Lizzie - look.

I point to the back of the house Colton follows my gaze and his eye wide when he see his horse.

Colton - I will take College boy home you guys stay here till I get back with the others and don't do anything stupid.

We agreed but we both knew that we were gonna do something after Colton left suddenly we could hear someone screaming from inside the house so I rushed up to the door with Alex close behind me and banged on it calling for Vanessa.

Lizzie - Vanessa?!

After a few seconds I heard her call back.

Vanessa - Lizzie help!!!!..........ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

That scream did it with help from Alex we smashed open the door to see Chad running away from the basement door fear filled my stomach since I couldn't see Vanessa.

Alex - am going after him.

Alex runs after him drawing his gun as I rush to the open basement door I yell to him.

Lizzie - be careful!!!

I get to the open to only to see Vanessa at the bottom of the stairs holding her stomach I rush down to help her as I get closer to her I see that her ankle is hurt.

Lizzie - Vanessa.

Vanessa - Lizzie my baby, my stomach.

Her face is full of fear, her eyes filled with tears I know I don't like her but no one deserves this to happen to them. There's a sound of gunshots from outside then I hear other voices not any voices Summer and Winters.

Summer - Lizzie where are you?

Lizzie - down in the basement hurry!!!

I could hear their footprints and gasps as they stood at the top of the stairs as I was trying to keep Vanessa calm.

Winter - I will get the doc.

I nod to Winter as Summer comes down the stairs and together we slowly and carefully carry Vanessa upstairs to her room as we put her on the bed we can hear sound of hoofprints coming closer. I look out of the window to see Alex talking to the other deputies and Skylar as well as Winter coming over with the doctor Vanessa starts to scream causing me to look over to her only to see her thighs covered in blood.

Vanessa - ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

The doctor quickly comes into the room and asks us to leave so she can help Vanessa, me and Summer head outside to the others.

Colton - Alex told us what's happened how is she?

Lizzie - I believe she's losing her baby by the looks of it she was beaten before being thrown down the stairs.

Skylar - oh my god

Blake - but I thought you didn't like Vanessa.

Colton - I don't but no one deserves that not even her.

Alex - Chad took Vanessa's prized mare we need to find him fast.

Ryder - no one is safe with him around like this what if he comes after us or our girls or even Aurora.

Blake - that's won't happen Ryder.

Lizzie - Levi have you any ideas where he could be?

We all look to Levi.

Summer - good point Lizzie, Levi you were his best friend.

Levi thinks for a minute.

Levi - I have a few ideas but I don't know which one he will be at

Winter - so what's the plan?

We look to Colton.

Colton - we find Chad but this will be to dangerous.......

Skylar - if you say this will be dangerous for the girls I will kick you ass.

Summer - I second that.

Winter - me too.

Lizzie - they are right Colton did you forget me,Winter and Summer are the best female bounty Hunters in the territory and Skylar was in a gang so I I know we can handle a prick like Chad.

Colton sighs as the others chuckle.

Colton - alright but someone should stay with Vanessa just in case he comes back.

Summer/Winter - we will stay.

Lizzie - ok just let me know if anything happens.

Summer - we will now yous guys get going so we can hang this motherfucker.

As we mount up I think about everything and I won't let Chad get away this time Watch out Chad  your a dead man when we catch up to you.

A/N Am back to make up for the long wait I've done 2 chapters also I've finally picked a name for Titans mate which will be revealed soon.

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