Chapter 6

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Lizzie p.o.v

Do i have feelings for Alex? The answer is YES I do I've just been trying to hide it for years since I was in my teen years. I hated seeing other girls with him when it should of been me but I was too scared to tell him anything. For one if we did get together and it went wrong it could ruin our freindship. When he was with other girls they would always be jealous of how close we were i still remember that he would ditch his girlfriend to go riding with me.

What I found strange we that whenever I asked him if his girlfreind wanted to come with us so they won't feel left out he would always answer for them. It was still the same when I started to date Chad until he walked in on us that's when he started to not want to hang out anymore and why he became the way he is now.

He looks at me with such a sad look on his face he's waiting for any answer.

Alex - Lizzie?

Lizzie - yes.

He looks surprised.

Alex - yes?

Lizzie - yes I do have feelings for you and I have for a long time.

He has a huge grin on his face.

Alex - god lizzie you have no idea how happy I am to hear that and to be honest with you am kinda holding myself back from doing something naughty to you.

I don't know what came over me but without thinking I drop the blankets then staddle him his face was priceless tho.

Lizzie - shut up and kiss me already.

Alex lips touch mine and I feel sparks all over my body but it wasn't to least as he pushes me away.

Lizzie - what the hell?! Wow you really are a jerk.

I can't believe I fell for his trick and I just told him how I felt he goes to touch me but I slap his hand away

Alex - lizzie it's not that....

Lizzie - don't bother I was a fool Here you can have this back.

I take off his shirt and throw it at him then I grab the blankets and wrap them around me then I walk to the back of the cave when we put the horses i'd rather sleep beside them then him. I didn't even notice that Titan was standing up.

Alex - lizzie you......

Lizzie - fuck off!!!!

Titan comes over and cuddles into me he knew I was upset and angry at Alex. I don't need him or his help i will do this myself it's my problem not his. I look over to Alex he looks sad.....nope it's a trick he keeps looking over here but also on the outside such an ass. I slowly drift off to sleep knowing in the morning I will have to go something I've always done and thats alone.

It's just before dawn when I wake up I see Alex is still sleeping I quickly and quietly gather my stuff good thing is my clothes are dry so I get ready and lead Shadow out the cave with Titan behind me. I know Alex can find the way back to town and probly run back to that slut Vanessa but who cares I can do this myself. After getting away from the cave I mount up and head off up the mountain following Titan it's gonna be harder to find them now with all this snow but we have found people in the snow before.

After a few hours riding I keep thinking about Alex.
Is he ok?
Well he find his way back?
Why did he reject me last night?
Is he even safe right now?
Should I go back?

Titan must have sensed something cuz he stops and looks at me.

Lizzie - what's wrong boy? You smell something?.

I heard voices so I dismount Shadow and take out my rifle while holding Shadows reins and following Titan we hide in some thick bushes peeking out i spot two men standing at an a cave entrance. With titan and my guns I sneak closer to the rocks but then I feel a hand on my shoulder I grab the hand and pull the person down to the ground once they are on the ground I place my knee on their back then I see who it is.

Lizzie - Alex?

He goans in pain and whispers.

Alex - not that I don't like the idea of you on top of me but can you please get off me now.

Lizzie - ugh.

I get off him and quickly hide behind the rocks listening to the two man at entrance of the cave Alex comes up beside me I can feel his eyes on me but I don't look at him.

"That was one hell of a time last night"

"Your telling me damm those girls were good tho"

"True good thing they came or it would have been a complete cock feast"

"How do you think the boss got them to come knowing who he was?"

"No idea but got to say that redhead was so fucking tight and good with her mouth too"

"No kidding I had that Brunette"

"The one who had on the blue dress?"


"Dam I did notice her but I like red heads"

Men are such pigs until one says something I didn't expect.

"Oh did I tell you what I told the boss?"

"No what was it?"

"Well I was on my way back and I saw a fire in the cave at the buttom of the mountain and when I pecked in i was one hot woman making out with a guy, she was sitting in his lap I would have got closer but I saw a wolfdog so I legged it back up here."

He saw me and Alex making out fuck?? Wait is that why Alex rejected me last night? I should have let him explain but I guess I did overthink this but anyway now's not the time I continue to listen.

"Think they are still there i might go down"

"No they left already and how would you have gonna past the wolfdog"

"Oh yeah"


Then other one came out.

"Guys the boss wants us all for a meeting now"

They all went inside.

Alex - lizzie I...

Lizzie - Not now Alex please.

He gives me a sad nod then we follow the men in hiding along the way.

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