Chapter 16 Part 2

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Lizzie p.o.v


I am thinking about all thats happened, the horse sale went great we sold our horses and they went to some good ranches we added the money to what we already have now we have more than enough to least us.

Jake is alot happier now he's with Summer while Shane and Winter are all lovely dovey, me and Ruby have made up after one hell of a mud wrestling  match she is one amazing mother and she and Gus have become such a cute little family. As for me and Alex he's been really supportive since my break down I still couldn't believe I said those things to him we were lucky to move past it.

Me, Ruby, Summer and Winter are giving the horses a shower since its a hot day we are laughing telling jokes but i get a bad feeling in my stomach suddenly Colton rides up to us. There is a panicked look on his face with a hint of fear.

Lizzie - Colton what are you doing here?

Colton - lizzie you have to come with me now we need your help.

Before I could even ask I get a bad feeling again and Colton says.

Colton - it's Alex.

The others tell me to go and they will finish washing the horses I quick grab Shadows bridle from the tack room then run to the gate since shadow is in the paddock so I can whistle for him in which he comes over and stops in front of me. I put on his bridle once it's on I get onto his back I can ride bareback I even prefer it as does Shadow so we set off heading for the sheriffs office.

On the way Colton tells me whats happened I can't believe Chad would do something like that but he was really mad and did say he was gonna get payback on Alex but still hes went to far Poor Crystal tho that poor kid is gonna be sacred for a long time. We soon reach the office I give Colton my reins as I get off Shadow and rush in.

Lizzie - where is.....Oh my god.

The office is completely trashed the other deputies and Bob look up to me as they are clearing up the mess.

Levi - lizzie how nice of you to join us.

I flip Levi off.

Ryder - Levi shut it.

Levi looks down and has a guilt look on his face probably cuz Chad is his best friend I guess you never really know someone fully even I didn't think Chad would take it this far.

Sheriff Bob - thanks for coming lizzie Alex completely lost it and trashed the whole office area.

Lizzie - I can see that where is he? And where Crystal?

As soon as I say her name the sheriffs door opens and she comes flying out jumping into my arms with Blake behind. I used to babysit Crystal so we grew close until both her and her mum moved away that is, her eyes are all red and puffy, her brown hair is all messed up, she doesn't look like she had eaten either.

Crystal - lizzie I've missed you so much.

Lizzie - I've missed you too.

Blake comes closer to us and puts his hand on my shoulder and looks at me with pledging eyes.

Blake - please Lizzie help Alex calm down your the only one that can.

That's true even as kids when I got bullied Alex would go mad and beat the shit out of the kids that were doing it I was the only one that could calm him down weird tho.

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