Chapter 21 Part 1

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Lizzie p.o.v

We rode for a few minutes and dad told his some of his men to get a head of Chad's group we got to a clearing and saw that dad's men had stopped them. Chad was shouting some bullshit about him being the rightful leader that would be right all of the traitors were killed except the Chad. As we approached Chad notice and gaves me one evil smirk before grabbing Brittany. The other girls shout to him to let her go.

Brittany - let me go!!!

Chad - not gonna happen.

Dean goes to tackle him but Chad being the coward that he is puts Brittany in front of him causing Dean to stop dead in his tracks.i go over the the other girls there are safe shaken up but safe.

Dean - let my wife go Chad

Chad - I would but she's just so damm sexy.

He gropes one of her beasts as he says "sexy" making her gasp I can see the rage in Dean's eyes not to mention the fear in Brittany's.

Brittany - don't fucking touch me.

Dad puts his hand on Dean's shoulder then steps beside him.

James (dad) - what do you want Chad?

Like he had to ask.

Chad - I want leadership and my woman by my side as my queen oh yeah and put your guns down.

James (dad) - No you can't have my daughter.

Dean - give me back my wife Chad and you won't get hurt.

Then suddenly an idea pops into my head I walk over and gently pull Dean's knife out of his belt and hide it behind my back underneath my shirt lucky for me no on seen me taking it then step out from my dad and brother.

Lizzie - Chad let her go you want me well here I am.

Chad - come here alone and I will free her.

Dean and dad go to say something but I just shake my head I slowly walk over to them. Dads men stand behind him I can't believe even with all these guns on him Chads still being a smug prick I am only a few steps away when he stops me.

Chad - lets close enough

Lizzie - give her to me Chad and I will leave with you and be your queen.

God I wanted to throw up when that came out my mouth yuck. He slowly releases Brittany I reach for her hand and pull her behind me as Chad grabs my arm I look to Brittany whispering.

Lizzie - go to Dean.

Brittany - be careful god knows what's he's capable of.

She's right about that, as Brittany rushes to Dean Chad starts to pull me too him when suddenly something tackles him I hear the me shouting "wolf" I back up a little as I hear dad calling me to come back but just as I go to I catch a glimpse of the wolf whom Chad is trying to kick off him It's Titan I think either him or a random wolf even tho wolves don't attack when there is fire around like this.

Lizzie - Titan!!!

Titan let's go off Chad's ripped pants and comes over to me stopping a few feet from me.

Lizzie - Titan is that really you? It's me.

I put out my hand kneeling down to his level he takes a step closer and sniffs, within seconds his giving me kisses all over my face as I pet his fur, yip he remembers me. However this reunion is short thanks to Chad.

Chad - you will pay for that!!

Chad takes out a knife and goes to stab Titan I shield him with my arms when there a gunshot and Chads starts to scream in pain I look to his his hand is covered in blood. I turn my head to see that it wasn't my dad or his men suddenly the is a thud causing to turn my head back to Chad only to his a German shepherd standing on him baring their teeth at him.

Lizzie - Beast?

Then I hear a voice that I thought I wouldn't hear again.

Alex - Lizzie!!!

I look to see Alex coming behind him I see the other deputies along with.....Shane and Winter didn't expect Winter to be here. Alex jumps off blue and comes over to me wrapping me in his arms while Colton and Ryder get Beast off Chad, stand him up and tie him up with some rope which of course he struggles.

Lizzie - can one of you gag him?

Blake - good idea.

Ryder hogties Chad then wraps his neckerchief around his mouth shutting him and making me giggle, Titan and Beast see each other and start to play Alex cups my face.

Alex - thank goodness your ok I throught I would never see you again.

Lizzie - am ok baby but listen there is something......

I am cut off when I notice that Levi is staring at Dakota I wonder what that's about, the deputies are looking at dad and the gang who haven't moved I would have thought that they would have left when the deputies but I guess not also Shane walks over to me with Winter by his side.

Shane - Lizzie.

Since Alex doesn't want to let me go any time soon and with his arms around my waist so I reach out my arms for my twin both Shane and Winter give me a group hug then Shane looks over to dad causing his eyes to frown.

Lizzie - Shane?

Shane - Dad.

James (dad) - hello son

A/N Please leave a vote and a comment on what you think of the story so far Anyway thanks for the love so far. sorry for the short chapter haven't had much time to write anything am gonna try to update this story every 2/3 days until it's done until next time.

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