Chapter 8

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Lizzie p.o.v

Here i am standing in front of a man I thought was died his eyes travel down and look at my whole body not in a weird way.

James - you've grown into such a strong woman.

Really he wants to play dad now?  Unbelievable. I cross my arms across my chest.

Lizzie - you left us when Austin we just a baby so don't try and play father now.

His face fell.

James - is that any way to talk to your father?

Lizzie - you stopped being my father when you left us.

James - kids now a day's no respect right boys?

His men all agreed and laugh.

James - you know you and your brothers could always join us.

No way before I could even say anything Alex's voice makes me look to him as he jumps out from behind the tress with his gun in his hand.

Alex - Fuck that!!!

Guns aim at him.

Lizzie - No!!

I stand in the way.

James - guns down boys no shotting unless I say so. Boyfriend?

Lizzie - again none of you business how tell me why you took the herd? And why you faked your own death?

He just shakes his head while I feel Alex wrap his arms around my waist and his hot breath sending shivers down my spine if I was standing in front of my father and his men I would have done something to naughty to him but I can't think of that now.

James - it's hard to explain......

Lizzie - well fucking try too!!!

His men seem shocked I would raise my voice to him while Alex tightens his grip on me he can probably tell that if he lets me go I would end up hitting my so called father as he looks around to his men.

James - all of you back off but keep your guns on him.

Lizzie - leave him alone.

I turn my body so am facing Alex with one hand on his chest I can't help by stare into his eyes I ignore the whistles from the gang members but I do wonder where Titan is tho. Alex wraps his arms around my waist holding me tight however one of the gang members has to open his mouth.

"Hold on isnt he one of the deputies from the town?"

I just noticed I was covering his badge.

"I think so"

Lizzie - no he's not!!!

I had to protect him.

James - nevermind that the now men. Lizzie.......

Out of nowhere there's a howl but it's not Titan's in fact there's more then one.

James - shit boys wolves let's go.

He looks back to me as his men run back to the cave.

James - come with me?

I shake my head and cling to Alex which makes my father angry.

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