Chapter 12

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"Are you lost kitten?"

"Umm yeah,kind of,can't find the stairs" you said and look at Taehyung. He still had his smirk plastered on his.

"I see,anyway that's the first time I saw you smiling like that" he said while coming towards him. As usual you look like a small kid compared to his height,making you unknowingly stepping back.

"Ha ha" you smiled awkwardly.

"What made you smile? Don't tell me that those idiots did some stupid things in the kitchen,that's why I left already. I knew what was coming." He said while examine you face. You didn't look up and kept looking at your feet.

Suddenly he grabbed your chin but this time it was softly. You looked up to his face,he had a soft gaze,but still he had his dark aura of him. It was weird.

"Go back to your room" with that he went inside his room.

What in the world??? He didn't even say how to find my room,he just went like that???

Somehow you managed to find your room.

You lock your doors and sat on the bed. All you could think was about your parents. Didn't know how they were doing? Were they ok or not.

You spend the night thinking about your parents. You sat on the floor tears had streaming down your face.

A thought came up to your mind.

I am going to escape here no matter what...
And it's going to be tomorrow.

Next morning

You woke up on your bed with a sheet covering securely on your body.

But you had been on the floor crying and you don't remember going up to the bed.

Thinking about this your quickly went up to the door and It was unlocked. You clearly remembered locking it.

Someone had come in to the room,unlocking the door.

Brushing that off you did your mornin routine.

And soon after you were called to eat breakfast by guard.

The day was clearly boring,you only could think about Escaping tonight.

After dinner you wanted to escape from here.

You stayed the whole day inside the room they've given you.

After having dinner you went straight to your room and stayed their until the midnight.

You slowly unlock the door and to your surprise there were no guards or any maids. It was so quite. Even if it was midnight the lights were on.

The first thing is to find out the route,it was so easy to get lost in this mansion. You even thought about a lie to just in case you met a person on the way. While walking towards the stairs you heard the voices of the boys,you followed the voices which made you to come in front of a door. You slowly opened the door to see all the boys and the guards were having a discussion among them.

Great. You thought. It'll be more easier to get out of this closed the door and slowly walked towards stairs.

Finally you found your way to the exist,which made you relieved. You took a deep breath and exhale all.

Feeling happy you turned the door knob,but a hand caught your shoulder and pulls you harshly which made you come in contact with the hard floor. For a second you thought you dislocated your shoulder but you couldn't even think of it. An angry voice echoed through the halls.

Another update for all the readers :) please vote. I'm sorry if this a short chapter. I just want to make the other chapter more interesting. And there'll be a unexpected change happening in the other chapter.

-loads of love...

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