Chapter 14

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<Jungkook's POV>

It's been hours and still y/n had not been woken up. I called Jin hyung to see her condition,he came immediately.

"She have fever,due to the drug taehyung injected but it's nothing to be worried she'll wake up soon." Jin hyung said.

"Hyung,what's happening out there?is Taehyunh gonna really marry her? Look at her,she is so fragile,she doesn't even deserve this kind of a place" Jungkook said while looking at her petite figure. He felt sorry for her even though he had been a little rough on her. He couldn't be blame,he was used to be like this,working with cruel people made him and all of them heartless.  But he cannot show his emotions to anyone,they all had to wear the cold mask and hide their feelings if they have to continue with their mafia businesses.

"I don't know,you know we can't stop him from doing anything,so let's just see what's up with his plan"

Just when Jin continued Taehyung's voice was heard from the other side of the room.

"Ah Taehyung ah we didn't even hear you coming" Jin said while motioning him to sit near him.

"Y'all don't worry,I anyway need a Wife,so I marry her,I can do whatever the fuck I want,even if marrying of killing her,"he said.

"Hyung, what are you gonna do to her?" I asked Taehyung curiously.

He played with the lip ring he had using his tongue,the lip ring which he would not put on always except for a special occasion.

Taehung looked at y/n who was sleeping peacefully,he went near her and examine her face.

"She'll be having to stay with us till she die" he put away the strand of her hair behind her ear. With that Taehyung left the room,leaving me and Jin confused.

"Alright I'll be going back,I'll have to see how the things working out there. You stay here,she'll wake up soon," Jin said and walked out of the room.


40 mins later...

It felt like someone was sitting on my body. It felt so numb and I felt cold,as if I was getting a fever. I tried to open my eyes slowly.
It was all blur at first but I blink to gain my pure eye sight. I was in a room,a dim night stand lamp was on.

I felt there's was something on my forehead. I slowly took it off to see it was a white wet clothe.

What took me surprise was that there was a figure sitting next to my bed and laying his head on the bed I was sleeping.

On the night stand there was water in a small basin.

I tried to wake up from the sleeping position but failed and fell back on the bed. So I tried to wake up the man next to who was sleeping by poking his head.

Suddenly the man woke up and the next thing was a gun aimed at my forehead.

"J-Jungkook it's m-me," I gulped.

"Oh" Jungkook put his gun back to back pocket.

There was an awkward silence.

"Uh how do you feel now?you had high fever," he checked my temperature and then looked at me worriedly.

He took the white clothe and damp it in the water basin and put it on my forehead.

"You still have high fever y/n,maybe due to the drug that's inside your body" he told.

Then only it hit me on the head,what happened yesterday...
The time when Taehyung almost killed you,and more over the WEDDING.

You widened your eyes and looked at Jungkook.

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