Chapter 46

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*The day of the Execution*

Everyone was pacing here and there. All of them were stressing about Taehyung's execution, but there was nothing they could do,as in Taehyung have requested the members already to not panic and take care of Y/n when the members went to see him in the jail.

They all knew Taehyung had a plan but none of them knew about this. Behide everyone y/n was devastated about her husband's situation. She only got few months to deliver her baby into the world and she only hoped that the father could join that day,but faith was cruel,or was it?

"Y/n drink this,please" Jungkook handed over a glass of milk,she's been not sleeping properly for the past few days and they all were scared of her health.

They all seated in the living room,as they could do nothing but watch,his execution was announced to the whole country and it was the main topic that was discuss throughout the country.

The TV was on low sound and everyone was waiting for something to pop up,they knew Taehyung had a plan,but they also had a second choice about it.

Y/n took the glass of milk from Jungkook's hand to drink it but was interrupted when Suga's phone rang.

He immediately answered even though it was an unknown number.

"Who's this?" Was the first thing that came out of his mouth. Everyone's attention was now at Suga.

"What?" Suga confusedly said while looking at Jin while slowling getting up from the couch,he had a confused look.No one could hear the person that was speaking on the other side.

"Put on speakers" Jin whispered,and he did.

"Who the fuck are you?" Suga asked.

"Oh cut it bro,just opened the goddam door,I've got a surprise for y'all." The guy who was on the otherside of the phone said. No one could identify the voice and everyone exchanged looks at each other.

And Jin told the guards to opened the gates and took out his gun,while the others went behind him with their guns.

"Jhope,stay here and don't let y/n come out of the house" Jungkook commanded and went out with the others.

But just before Jhope could take y/n into her room,a person entered their living room.

"Hi guys,long time no see"

"Jackson?"Jin was confused as much as the others.

"Y'all,put your guns down,is this the way y'all treat a person that comes to your mansion,well Taehyung got to teach some manners" he held his hands beside his shoulders.

"Oh y/n" he tried coming closer to y/n but Jin and the boys held the gun at him.

"Y'all need to chill,I bought a present for her,but y'all seems to be in anger,just check whether yall like my surprise"

"What do you need Jackson? Get out or else..." Jin couldn't complete his sentence.

Everybody froze when they saw who came inside the mansion,behind Jackson.



Hey guys how are y'all doing,OMG this book is gonna end soon,stay tuned for the last parts and I must thank all the readers who stayed with me throughout this story even though I couldn't update and all,I'm so sorry about that.

Thank you for choosing this story,THANK YOU SO MUCH YALL.

Don't worry this is not the last chapter tho <3

Stay safe y'all :)

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