Chapter 43

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She laid there,running her her hands on his fluffy hair. She had wore a black big hoodie of hers,which she don't remember wearing,as she slept naked.

It was morning and she did remember everything that happened last night. How everything had changed.

Sudden appearance of her husband and losing her virginity,it was the happiest night of her life.
She felt it a everything was unreal to her.

"Do it baby,don't stop" his morning voice startled her thoughts.

She thought he was alseep,but nope,he was not,he was closing his eyes,feeling her small hands running through his hair.

He loved it. He love the feeling of his wife next to him.

He opened his eyes to great her with a hug.

His tattooed arms pulled her closer towards his inked chest.

He had wore a sweat pants and he made sure his wife was wearing a hoodie to cover her naked body.

Yes he had woken up before her,he kept staring at his beautiful wife,admiring the little things that made her wife looking unique. A little mole on her cheek,a small nose and small lips,that were kissable and could be devoured by his lips. He pecked her lips.

His laid down and closed his eyes noticing his wife was waking up. And that's how he ended up,fake sleeping while his wife kept admiring his face too.

And now they both were fully awakened up,they didn't want to let go of the warmth of their bodies.

They stayed like that.

"Taehyung ah?"

"Hmm" he hummed.

"You won't leave me after today right?"

She was laying on his left hand,while he used his right hand as a pillow and stared at the ceilings.

"I won't"

"promise?" She asked.

"I promise"

She kept her head on his chest and he began to run his hands gently through.

"Y/n I love you,I know I am not a good person,I do have anger issues and I have hurt you a lot of times,but please let me show you that I am a good man,I'll be a good just for you,I'll be the man that's on your dreams" he let out the things he wanted to confess long time back.

She looked at him.

"Taehyung,your the man in my dreams,I love you too" she hugged him too.

"Let's go,I'll make you breakfast" she offered and then they took a shower together and left the room.

They headed towards the kitchen,they could already hear Jin's voice shouting at someone.

"That's not onion that's garlic,how are you even going to get a girl when you don't even know the difference between garlic and onion?" Jin frustrated voice was echoing through the apartment.

The boys all became silent when they saw the couple coming downstairs,except for Jin who was busy scolding.

"Uh hi" Jimin awkwardly waved at Taehyung and y/n.

Jin too stop cooking and look back to see who jimin waved at.

He hit Jimin's head in which Jimin reacted with an "ouch" and rubbed the back of he head where Jin hit him.

"Your making them awkward" he whispered into Jimin's ear.

"Go back to work boys" he clapped and began to order the boys to cook.

Except for suga everyone helped Jin. Suga took an orange juice to drink and  laid on the couch on the living room,as the kitchen was next to the living room.

Y/n became confused since the boys never do house work and she wanted to know why they doing it,suddenly.

"Uh Jin hyung,why are you guys cooking we could order something or I could cook for you guys,you know?"

Jin came towards the couple and patted her shoulder.

"Ah no no,we met Taehyung after a long time,so we want him to have a royal breakfast made by his own buddies."

"I doubt whether  it'll be royal breakfast tho,more like there will be higher chance of spending rest of the day in the washroom cuz of our royal breakfast" Jungkook screamed from the other side.

"Shut up,you rascal" Jin shouted back at him.

"Ha ha,don't mind his words,I will make sure that you will have a good breakfast as you guys had a long night yesterday"

Suga choked on his orange juice hearing Jin's last words.

Hoseok ran towards him and patted his back.

And there the morning just started off like that.


Sup guys.

I'm afraid that I wouldn't be able to update after this for a long time. My exams are coming. JJDHSHDYDBAVDUSVS

Wish me good luck guys...

Bringing you Taehyung's fingers to bless you.

Your welcome <3

Your welcome <3

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