Chapter 3

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"Shit, my head ." I held my head from the agony. It hurts so bad. I opened my eyes to see that I was in a luxury car. I felt exhausted.

"Woke up,princess?" A voice was heard right next to me. I looked at my side to see Jungkook busy with his laptop.

His black leather jacket and the leather gloves between the seat of mine and him. He had removed them.His tie was loose and his shirt was unbuttoned,you could see his chest a little bit.His sleeves were rolled up and you could see some of his veins popping out. There were tattoos on his right hand,his fingers was also decorated with small tattoos.

There was two other men sitting in front, one of them was driving the vehicle and the other one was focusing on the road. The road was still dark. It was Still night.

There were lots of thoughts running in your head. Where were they taking you? Why are we still on the road. For how many hours we been traveling. For how many hours you've been knocked out.
You wanted to ask everything from Jungkook but you were even scared to look at him. You had already notice how intimidating he is and also how dangerous he could be. You remember he had a gun with him when he was at your house. You slowly look to your right to see he was still busy with his laptop. You tried to ignore his presence and look out of the window. The rain had stopped. You could see rain drops sliding through the window. You felt sad. You remembered your parents. It was awkwardly silenced until Jungkook cut it off.

"Are you hungry?" He didn't even bother to look at you, by now he was holding some documents and some files were on his lap.
"No" was the only word that came out of your mouth. You wanted to shout at him for taking you away from your parents,but you couldn't.

"Where are you taking me?" You took all your courage to ask him. He just ignored, he was looking at the documents as if he couldn't hear me.Even the Two bodyguards infront didn't bother to look at me. Everyone ignored. This made my blood boil. "Tell me, where are you taking me? Why are you silent? Who is Mr Kim?" I asked him. Suddenly the car pulled to a side with a sudden brake. The car stopped infront of a small building.

"Sir this is only place we found, all the others are closed at this hour" the one who was driving spoke.

"Hmm.. ok ,go and order something you guys like, I will come with our new guest" Jungkook looked at me while he said the word guest. The two body guards left the car as they were told. Me and Jungkook was inside the car. He kept the documents on the seat next to us.

"I am going out to eat ,so you are with me to come now, but don't try to do something funny,you understand?He raised one eyebrow,I nodded.I got off the car immediately not wanting to make him more angry. It felt like even my presence got him on his nerves.

It was a fancy restaurant decorated with neon lights.There were four more black tinted cars behind the car that I was.

I saw that  the bodyguards were eating out side their cars,some were leaning and chatting with each other.

"Do you need red carpets to get in here?" Jungkook  shouted,I didn't notice that I was taking time. I entered with him and he ordered some steak and some French fries with some coke.

He gave me a pack of French fries and a coke, when I refused to eat steak. Me and Jungkook was eating inside the restaurant while the guards were outside having their snacks. I wanted to wash my hands, but there was no sink so I told jungkook that I'll come in a minute. I went inside the washroom to wash my hands, I noticed a huge window.

Yes!this was my chance to ESCAPE. I mentally screamed.

I peeped through the washroom door to see that Jungkook was busy on his phone talking to someone. He had already stood up. I closed the door and locked it. I crept from the window.

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