Chapter 34

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"Why are you also saying the same thing Jungkook? You know him better than me,you know that he is not dead," I yelled,while grabbing his collar,he didn't even move,his strong body stayed still,while I was grabbiing his shoulders harshly.He was just staring at me with an expressionless face.

My eyes was hurting as I was trying to hold my tears.

"Tell me it's all lies,tell me it's all lies Jungkook" I couldn't hold it anymore I cried, he grabbed me on to his chest,and hugged me gently.

"He is dead y/n,you have to face the reality even it's hard to" he said.

I removed myself from him,and look at him with my hurtful eyes.

"You think he is dead?" I asked him looking straight at his eyes,while I wipe my own tears harshly.

"I know,we don't have any proof,but do you think he will spend a second without his brothers like friends? Do you think he will forget us? If he's alive,the first thing he will do is to meet us and take his wife. Even you don't about it,he loves you so damn much. I have seen his face,he looks at you as if your his whole world to him. He is cold,that's his nature y/n,he had to go through a lot. He job is harsh,the society has made him heartless.He never shares his feelings with anyone. He too has a heart. Trust me,even I don't think he is dead but if he is not,then where do we find him? We can't do that alone"
He said all that while holding my shoulder,while I,tried not cry my eyes out.

"What happened to the others?where's Jimin and all the others? Where's your people who worked for you guys?" I asked him.

"I don't know" his face dropped when I asked about the members.

"What do you mean by I don't know?"

"The only thing i know is that we spreaded out. That day... we had won everything,it was only Jackson to be killed. When we were in search for Jackson," he held his anger in,I could see anger in eyes,and his voice became darker when mentioning Jackson.

"Jin got a call from Taehyung's emergency number. He took the call. We all panicked,hearing what happened and we went to the place the accident had taken place. It was you who was lying on the ground,unconsciously. We were late...The car was fully destroyed by the fire by the that time.Namjoon,Me,Jimin and Hoseok took you the hospital. Jin,Suga stayed with our men,searching for Taehyung. They searched each an every corner of the forest in search of Taehyung,but they couldn't. It's being 3months y/n,we still don't know where he is. We spread,we did not do anything with Taehyung our boss,my friend,a brother to me." His voice cracked when saying the last part.

"We decided to live our own
lives,not as gangsters,we did the things we liked.Me an underground fighter. But I don't about the others,although I might kinda know where Jimin is" he smirked to himself when mentioning Jimin.

"You have to help me Jungkook,you have to help me find them" I said looking at him while his smile dropped.

"Why would you think I would help you?" He raised his left eyebrow.

"Maybe you too would like to see your friends again?" I said while smiling at him like an innocent child.

"I won't help you,this is my life now,I'm living my own life,they must living theirs too" he said.

"And by the way,what the hell your doing here? In a place like this? This Isn't a place to roam around,this place is fucking dangerous. You shouldn't be here" he angrily scolded me,while keeping his hands on his hip.

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