Chapter 38

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Days turned to weeks,but Taehyung was no where to be found. Jungkook always gave his shoulder to cry on,he was always there with me like a brother. He made sure I was doing fine,and healthy.

I moved into a new apartment,moving away from my parents. I always wanted to be an independent girl,a girl who doesn't use their parents money anymore so I worked in a small cafe.

I always dreamed of living alone in a small,nice and cozy apartment,which had a great view of the city. I got one that wasn't that expensive but I was scared to stay by myself alone,specially at night,yet I got used to it somehow and also Jungkook comes at night,to eat dinner with me and leaves after wards. Sometimes he brings Jimin with him,as Jimin is busy with his club work he rarely shows up.

I was making the dinner for me and Jungkook.

Jungkook hadn't showed up yet,so I tried to call him.

I went towards my room to get my phone,but I notice that the sliding door of the balcony was open,the curtains were rustling against the wind.

I went towards the balcony. The city view is mesmerising as always. The neon coloured city was lighted up with different shades of colours.

The night breeze hits by body,it's really relaxing.It feels so unrealistic to have such moments like this.

I closed the sliding glass door and close the curtains together so that the lights from the buildings wouldn't hit into the room.

But I clearly remembered that,I closed the door earlier when I left the room to make the dinner.

The room was dark,although the curtains blocked the amount of light entering to the room,there were some lights penetrating into the room thought the thin curtains.

The moment I turned,I gasped.

Unknowingly I took my steps back from the dark outlined figure,who was sitting in the small chair of my room. I couldn't see who he was clearly,the weak presences of the light made it hard to see the person.

I searched for my phone to take a call,Jungkook was the first the that came to my mind at that time.

My luck was no where,I spotted my phone on the bed,which was next to the silhouette.

He was looking at me,while sitting down with one leg on top of the other,he stood up from his position. Slowly heading towards me.

The moment I got the scent of the person my eyes widened. A wave of nostalgia hits me. The familiar scent,the smell that once I missed.

I took a good look at the figure,to make sure it was the person I was thinking of.

"Missed me?" I heard his husky voice.


O M G,HI!!!

I don't even know how to apologize to you guys. Really sorry for keeping y'all waiting for a such small chapter.

But I really lost interest in writing this fanfic when I saw the hate comments.

I stayed up night to write these chapters,and when I seem em' i felt like all my writings were all in vain.

Like I never forced anyone to read this.

Yes this book might be bad,but I also have feelings,I felt sad when I saw them, I put my effort and all.

I wanted to deleted this book but at the mean time while getting hate I also got lovely comments,and I promised them that I will continue,even if it's one or three people who appreciate my work,I'll continue this book just for them.

Ahh I love you guys. I arranged a double update,hope you guys forgive me for not updating.

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