Chapter 19

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*This chapter contains violence scenes*

If you don't like them you can skip the chapter :)
I don't support any violence actions here.

Your heart was thumping blood so faster. You felt like your heart will come out of your ribage in any moment.

Zack was staring at you. He took long steps walking towards you and Jungkook.

Jungkook still holding his gun aiming at Zack.You knew if Jungkook shoots Zack ,you both will be killed by Zack's men instantly.

And this time you only knew that you guys were trapped,and in either ways you guys will die here by Zack.

You gulped hard. Your throat felt dried.

"Just quit it already Jungkook,don't even try,before I kill you both right here,right now,dropped your gun down and surrender" Zack said eyeing jungkook.

The tension of the atmosphere could be cut through a knife.
And the anxiety was killing you.

"Let the girl go,you want Me,don't involve her now" Jungkook said and clenched his jaw.

Zacked scoffed.

"You really think I would take this chance away? This would be my best chance to have Taehyung killed. When he gets to know that one of his right hand men and his wife is in my hands,he would obviously have to dance to my beat,he don't have any choice but to do anything I say,"he said while creepily smiling.

With that...he ordered his men to get Jungkook and me.

And soon The gun which was in Jungkook's hand was snatched away by Zack's men.Still Jungkook  fought with those men. But unfortunately there were too many.

"Y/n run,don't wait for me" Jungkook screamed while fighting the men. For a fact you knew Jungkook would never give up.

But as always you didn't have a choice so you ran out of the room.

"Get her,I want her alive" you heard Zack screaming.

Soon after there were his men running behind you. You ran down the stairs but the men had jumped from one stair case to the other and was already in front of you.

You backed away from them only to get bumped on to one stone hard chest. You looked back to see Zack's men behind you and the guy who you bumped in,held you tightly. Even though you tried to escape from his tight grip it was no use.

"Let me go" you tried hard to free your hand but no use.

"Tsk tsk"
"Why are you even trying?"
you saw Zack coming up.

The guy who was holding you looked at him and bowed.

"Take this her" Zack gave a piece of clothe to the man who was holding you.

"Have a good sleep,you would wish you had never woke up from this" Zack said while the man place the clothe which was damped with chemicals on to your mouth.

You trees not to breath in the chemicals but miserably failed and the chemicals was soon running up in your trachea.

Soon to the blood which made you feel dizzy.

Your vision soon starts to become blurry. You felt you were put on to someone's shoulder.

Before blacking out the only thing your mind thinking about was where was jungkook? Was he alive?

Before you knew everything became black.

You wanted to wake up. But your eyes were heavy. You tried to scratch them but you couldn't. Then you realised what was refrained from doing it.

You were cuffed.

You couldn't move an inch. You were placed on a chair and hands were cuffed to the back of the chair. Your couldn't even move your legs as they were also wrapped by a strong rope.

You remembered what happened. The flat tire,the motel,and Zack!

You started panicking. You vigorously started to get out this tight ropes and the cuffs,only to make the cuffs hurt your wrist more. You let out a whimper.

"tell the boss the girl is awake" a voice was heard across the room. The room was dark but there's a little bit of light intensity from a bulb hanging down from the ceiling.

You could see there were men on either side of your chair. They didn't say anything nor neither looked at you when you tried to free yourself.

The door was opened two figures came into the room.

The moment you see Zack your body went numb. But to your surprise he didn't move towards you,instead he moved towards corner of the room while looking at you smirking. The other man was another body guard of him.

Your heart dropped at the sight that was in front of you.

There was jungkook chained to the either side of the walls. He was on his knees. What made your heart dropped was that he was covered with blood. His white shirt was torn in most of the places making his black tattoos visible. His head was dropped down as his messy jet black hair was falling to his face. The chains were the only thing that was preventing him from falling to the ground. He looked life less,he looked like he was half dead,he looked like he was having no energy at all.

Two of the Zack's men was beside him standing.

Zack went infront of him.

"Oh look at you,you look horrible,I didn't tell my men to do this much of harm to you. Even though I told them to torture you a little bit" Zack said in a teasing voice.

Jungkook opened his eyes and look at him. Even when he was in a state like this,he managed to keep his dark aura with him. His eyes were pitched black.

Jungkook scoffed.

"Don't you look horrible everyday" Jungkook.

The comment made Zack angry. He took a gun from the guard who was standing and hit Jungkook's face using the the back of the gun.

"Jungkook!!!" A scream felt your mouth. You tried to get away from harsh grip from the cuffs,only to be held my a guard.even though you couldn't even move an inch they still held your shouder.

Jungkook's head turned to the side due to the force of the hit.

He then rolled his tongue on his cheek and look at Zack,and scoffed again. His face had a cut due to the gun,but he looked like he didn't care at all.

"Drop your your ego down,you are gonna die anyways" Zack grabbed a handful of Jungkook's hair and made him look at him.

All I could see was some empty dark eyes on Jungkook.

I couldn't say anything but to look at Jungkook's poor condition.

여러분 how do you feel about this chapter!!?? Comment down what do you want in the next chapter so I can apply your imagination too to make this book more interesting <3

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