Chapter 15

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You were greeted by a lot of guards. Than the usual days there were guards everywhere,every one step there would be stiff men with all black from head to toe.

You waited patiently till the boys to come. Hoseok was to first to appear,with a black suit and he had even changes his hair colour to dark brown.

Then came Jimin with a dark navy blue suit with blonde hair. Silver piercings decorated on his ears.

Jungkook and Jin both came together. Jungkook had blond hair. His suit was also black.

Jin had also worked a black suit with his hair gelled black showing off his forehead.

They all looked handsome. Except I did not see the other three,the new guy Namjoon,Suga and Jin. I didn't want to ask these boys too so I kept my mouth shut and just shook it off.

It was hard to walk in the dress,I had to drag the dress all the way to the car that was taking me to the place.

Do I really have to marry this guy??? What should I do to get away from this hell??? I cannot even think of escaping,everywhere their were his guards. And the boys were always behind your back.

You got on the limousine with the Help of Jungkook and Jin. They both went with you the wedding ceremony.
It was awkward but all you think of this stupid marriage.

After few minutes the limousine came to a stop and Jin told you get out and he helped to get out because of the heavy dress.

Taehyung was nowhere to be found. It made you happy to not see his face,so you didn't care.

Jimin,Hoseok had came behind the limousine with their cars along with the some of the guards and now there were more than 10 black SUVs behind the limousine.

You saw the place was decorated with flowers and there was the alley. This place was so calm and quit which you made it even more attractive. What made your smile to go off was you when saw Taehyung infront of you,on the stage kinda thing with the priest beside him.

You saw Suga and Namjoon besides Taehyung with black suits.

There was the path which straightly joined to the stage which he was standing and beside the path was some unknown people who were whispering among them. Among the people you saw some familiar faces.

"Mum? Dad?" You whispered. You couldn't even believe your own eyes. Tears started to form in your eyes,but you held it. You didn't want to show your mum and dad how you were feeling. You wanted to show them you were spending atleast a good time here which was not at all true.

Your dad came near you and held your hand and walked towards Taehyung.

Did they really like me been with Taehyung.Were they ok to just give their one and only child to a person like him?

While walking through the path your anxiety started crippling in. The attention you were getting made your knees weak.

You looked at Taehyung who had his signature smirk on. He was wearing a dark  navy blue suit. His hair was black as well. His blue suit matched with your Bouquet,which had white artificial flowers with small silver glittering sprinkle into it with navy blue small flowers add to it.

Your father handed you to Taehyung.

"I don't like to stand here for too long,so let's make it short and sweet"
Taehyung said looking at the priest,who gulped hard and nodded.

Few minutes later

"Do you take y/n as your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked.

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