Chapter 2

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His dark aura scared me. His muscular body guards were all over the house. My dad quickly went in front of him and left us "ladies" behind.

"Y/n,go to your room," my dad commanded me.
I quickly listen to him and headed to the stairs, but a voice refrained me.

"No,your not going to your room y/n," jungkook's voice was stern.The words he was spitting out was so strong,his simple words would look like a commandment.

The body guards grabbed my arms and brought me near the small coffee table infront of the couch where he was sitting, and they brought my mum too. Now me,my dad,my mum were in front of Jungkook. We were at his mercy.

"you thought you could hide from us?" He scoffed as he said that.

"You thought that you could sell your house and hide from us? What did you think?" He kept one leg on the coffee table that was infront of the couch. He behaved as he was the owner of this house.

"Sorry, I will promise that I will pay you every cent that I took from Mr Kim, please leave us alone" my dad pleaded him. A deep chuckle left his mouth.

"Didn't we give you enough time Mr? And you even changed your address,you thought when you changed every detail about you, we couldn't find you?
We found you 3 days ago but we'd to make sure it was your house, so we had to even stalk your daughter, and today in that small alley your daughter almost caught one of our men stalking her, but she just knocked it off , didn't you y/n?"

That's when it came to my head. The sound of a beer can being crushed in that alley, I got a feeling that someone was behind me. I was not wrong there was someone behind me.I was lost in my thoughts when jungkook spoke again.

"Mr Kim is not really happy with you" he said and took out a gun from his pocket.

I was scared, so was my parents,I could see their faces,how scared they were.

"Please don't do anything to us, please I will pay your money somehow, what do you want?" My dad said.

Jungkook started thinking. But you could see he was faking it. He bit his inner cheek and smirked.
"You mean anything?"  He asked.

"Yes anything, according to the contract I will have to give you anything you asks for, If you want, take my house, take anything you want" my dad said.

"Oh,so you remember the contract details, I'm impressed, so will you give us anything we'd ask for?"Jungkook said with a smirk.
"Yes anythi-"my dad couldn't complete his sentence.


Jungkook interrupts

"Your daughter, we want her" he said

My eyes widened, I couldn't believe my ears.

What is he saying?
I am not an object to be sold off. What is he thinking?

"W-what, what a-are you saying?" My dad asks in disbelief.

" please a-anything but my daughter" my dad pleaded him.

"No you cannot take my daughter" my mum said.

"According to the contract we could take want ever we want, so Mr Kim had already chosen his property to take from you,and you cannot go against his will, if you do,I won't hesitate to kill you all, we wouldn't be here without a plan now do we? So hand your daughter? Now!!!"

With that,he came near me and examined my face. He was taller than me.He held my chin roughly in his slender fingers and looked into my eyes. I roughly grabbed his hand and pushed it away. He was amused by my behavior. He took my arm forcefully, before anything could happen my defense system took control, my anger took over me and I had already slapped him.

His head turned due to the force, he rolled his togue along his inner cheeks. He scoffed as he looked at me with his furious eyes. I could tell he was really pissed off by now. He came closer to me. His tongue still playing with his inner cheeks. His hands were inside his pockets. His head was stretching up as his eyes were roaming around the ceiling. He looked like bad boy type in those high school movies. He cracked his neck bones. He was really closer to me but I couldn't move a feet away. I was stiffed. Finally he look down at me.

" listen here princess, you can act anyway you want in front of me,but not with Mr Kim, he will just kill you on the spot" jungkook frowned his eyes.

"Please don't t-take my daughter,please" my mum pleaded and held me behind her so she could cover me from that beast.

"No excuses, you just went against Kims and this is what you get for it," he simply said.

"What are you waiting for? Just take her" with one command of his the guards held me by arms. I tried to get away with their grip, but they were strong. My mum was a crying mess the guards held my parents too but they kept trying struggling from their harsh grips,but as for them too,they were so much stronger with their well build body. They dragged me out of the house, I screamed. I was being sold to unknown man.

"Stop screaming, it's annoying" jungkook said.

I didn't stop screaming. It was raining heavily now,white flashes went across the sky with the loud thundering sounds.

There were black SUVs with one  Mercedes car with black tinted windows outside of our house.Jungkook grabbed me and  threw me inside the  Mercedes.

"There's so much of ways to stop you from screaming, I guess I have to do something, we don't want your pretty voice to be gone by the time you meet Mr Kim right?" He simply
said, and the body guard who was sitting on the front seat  handed him a small clothe. I knew what was coming,I tried to move back only to be trapped in the corner of the car door. He was in the other side of the seat, he slowly came near my body with the cloth in his hand. I tried to hold his hand to stop his actions. But failed.
He held the cloth that contained the chemicals between my nose and the mouth. I tried to shout but failed. Before the chemicals took over me the only thing i saw was a smirk plastered on Jungkook's face.

Everything think became dark...

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