Chapter 42

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Mature content ahead,if your uncomfortable with following topic,you can skip this.

I was withering under his gaze. his hungry gaze had me squirming.

He was hovering over me,his finger tips gazing my sides caused me to whine involuntarily,my nipples garden more if possible he leaned in to kiss me. His cold hands running down on my curves,making sure he explored every inch of my naked body.

His body moved towards the the A/c remote,and soon the room was cold,which made my body hair rise. Not to mention my nipples become rock hard,aching for something hot to touch there,and all I could imaging was his hot lips wrapped around them.

He saw the effect it had,a smuggling smile crept on to his face.

He kept on looking at my squirming body,the coldness was making my body aching to be touched by him. I want him to wrap his body around me or do me. I didn't understand my feelings now.

He leaned in and teasingly kissed my hardened nipple. I arched my body wanting his hot lips on my,but he didn't.

He removed his lips.

I was frustrated by his actions and he clearly saw it.

This time he put his lips fully and started sucking them hard,which made me moan loud. My other was aching for his touch.

The touch of his naked chest against mine was heaven,his Honey brown tattooed skin looked heavenly. I desperately wanted to run my hands through his body,wanting to grab his tattooed biceps and lean in for a deep kiss.

Darn the cuffs

Desperately tugging at the cuffs I whined impatiently.

" patience babygirl"

The name send tingles to my core.

"tell me what u want"
All I could do was moan helplessly ,under his well built body. He suck on my neck harder,his hot lips was the only thing that I wanted on my body. I love the feelings of his lips in the cold temperature.

" you know since you cant now spit out a proper sentence how about I leave you all cuffed to the bed like the little brat u are to moan the whole night ? how about that ? maybe jungkook will hear you too, to bad he cant touch you cuz you are MINE..."

" please no......" I begged.

" say it.......SAY YOU ARE MINE" he growled with a possessive voice.


" looks like im gonna have to get it out of you" he smirked looking at my helpless figure.

He suddenly plunged to fingers in me.I yelped at the uncomfortable feeling tugging at the cuffs. It felt weird. The feeling of his fingers inside me and the pain the of tugging the cuffs made my body weaken.

I arched my body,and titled my head back,closing my eyes.

He made a loud groan before he spoke.

"Ahh... fucking sexy"

He started curling his fingers and pumped in and out of me,all I heard was squelching sounds,I looked away embarrassed,not wanting him to smirking at my actions.

He grabbed my face suddenly to meet those eyes.

"Don't look away princess" his husky voice sent shivers down my spine.

"Remember this you are mine. MINE only" he suddenly started drilling his fingers into me,  I couldn't help but moan his name loudly

"Ssshhh baby,keep it low"

"remember what I told you? We got to keep quite,we don't want others to hear the night we are gonna spend together."


The knot in my belly kept tightening ,I was feeling light headed,I couldn't help but to bite the side of my lip,tilting my head back at the feeling of pleasure. I felt out of world.

" SAY IT !!!" he started going faster if that was any possible I tried close my legs at the sensation the knot exploded I yelled out his name as he helped me ride out of my orgasm.

I was panting , my chest heaving up and down trying to calm myself from the mind blowing orgasm.

" you look so fucking beautiful" he said.
"with those glossy eyes, messy hair, those pretty cheeks that mouth,that damn mouth I cant wait to shove my cock down that pretty little thing. I bet you'd look more beautiful with your face stuffed with my cock"

I couldn't help but blush at his words and take a peak down to his pants,theres a huge tent in it.

He saw me glancing at his trousers and a cocky smile made upon his face. I was looking anywhere but his devilishly handsome face.

When only the sound of his boxers getting removed was heard I looked up only to see his dick.

I couldn't help but  gulp at its size, the grith was freaking out. I didn't realise him coming closer to me. When he grabbed my chin I looked upto his face. He smiled at me charmingly and said

"Trust me" his words actually calmed me down.

I unknowingly nodded. He gently started placing his tip at my entrance and rubbing up and down,it felt good I couldn't help but moan when he started lubricating himself. He started pushing himself slowly I couldn't help but moan in pain. He realised this and stopped moving giving me time to stretch around him. i started whinning. I wanted him. Wanted to feel him

"Pl....please Taehyung I wanna touch you"
" what princess wants princess gets"

He started uncuffing me. Right after he removed the cuff from my hand he suddenly thrusted his hips into me I couldn't help but yell his name out in pleasure. His hands pinned my hands above my head.

" that's right baby girl. I changed mind,Let everyone know who is fucking you this good. Let that little brat hear how good I make you feel"

He started drilling into me, tears welled up in my eyes due to the uncontrollable pleasure.he suddenly lifts my left leg placing it above his shoulders the new position had me seeing stars.

His groans made me weak,this man is insane for his voice,he could turn me up with those groans. His hair was falling over his eyes.

He started leaning down to my chest,brushing his lips at my harden nipples I couldn't take it anymore as the sensations took me to my high.

I could feel my walls clenching around him making him groan against my boobs. My orgasm last few minutes as taehyung kept thrusting into me through my orgasm I was feeling lightheaded and my surrounding felt all dark as I was trying to catch my breath after a few minutes he pulled out as he came all over my stomach.

He collapsed on my thighs squeezing my lower body. I couldn't help but smile at the feeling oh his warm body close to me. He moved his head to my hip to rest. He switched of the a/c.

"so was it mind blowing?"
I coulnt help but giggle at his question
"im already sore down there. I don't think I can walk. Looks like u gonna be my baby sitter"

"Y/n I fucking love you so much"

He smiled at me

"say it" he said "say you belong to me"
" I have always belonged to you Taehyung"


Ahh LOL 😂
I told that will be updating on Last week. Can't help online lectures are making me insane and stressed.

And huge thanks to my buddy n_savage_queen for writing this with me.


Like he is the best leader any group could have. He would keep all the hate to himself and give all the live to other members <3

Rm I'll be your personal driver,you can step on me if you wish.

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