Chapter 44

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<<Y/n POV>>

Three Months later...

"Y/n you should eat this,it's good for you"

"No I don't like them,take them away,the smell makes me wanna puke" I pushed Taehyung's hand away.

"Only this one please,after that I won't bother you,I'll buy you ice cream if you eat this,I promise"

"Really? Will you buy ice cream?" I asked excitedly,as I've been craving for blue berry ice cream for sometime.

"Yep,but then you have to eat this" he held the spoonful of food which he have been trying to feed me.

I took the spoon from his hand and gulped down the food,and made a cringe face.

"Oh my god,why is it so bitter?" I felt the bitterness running through my blood vessels,and my hands twitched at it.

Taehyung smiles at my reaction.

"You have to eat them,it's good for you and our baby you know?" He smiled and held my small bumpy belly.

"So as I promised I'll buy my princess her favourite ice cream and come soon" he kissed my forehead and stood up from the couch.

"Dude buy me ice cream too" Jin said.

"Are you the one who is pregnant here?" Taehyung looked at Jin and asked.

Jin scoffed.

"That can be true tho,you eat like a pregnant women,not even y/n eats like that" Taehyung replied.

"Jin will be there to look after you,when I'm gone,don't do anything that makes you tired ok?if your hungry tell Jin or our chef to make something,and-"

"Taehyung,don't worry,I can take care of myself,you make me feel like a baby" I crossed my arms and huffed at him.

"Aww...." "
"your too cute when your angry" Taegyung stood in front of my pinched my cheek slightly,and I slapped his hands away.

"Ok baby,I'll buy you some ice cream,and you too" he looked at Jin and left.

Jin soon came next to me and sat.

"Y/n,you have to take that advantage of being pregnant, asked for one thing and Taegyung will bring it to you right away." Jin said.

I laughed at his comment,while nodding my head.

"It's not like that,I can't eat a lot,it makes me feel a little sick" I said.

"Ahhhh I get it,anyways do you need something? Shall we watch a movie?"

"Yeah sure"I replied.

And we chose a movie to watch.

"We aren't gonna watch anything that scares you,it's good for you and the baby,so let's watch a Disney movie"

"Oh come on"I whined, "let's watch something like an action movie,please...?" I begged him and he finally selected an action movie.

Jin prepared pop corn,while I watched it.

"Y/n you know what? Taegyung is really lucky to have a girl like you"

I looked at Jin confusedly.

"Why did  you said something like that randomly Jin ssi?"

"No because that brat is really something else,he got anger issues,he never smiles at anything,never show his emotions,rude,I could go keep on telling the list,it never ends,but then met you,I see him changing little by little,I'm glad he never got a hoe who loves his money more than him. I'm glad that he became a father with you. And I'm very excited to be an uncle already,I can already imagine  a little brat like Taehyung running around this living room,we'll have so much fun taking care of the baby,I'll be his favourite and the handsomest uncle" he gave a proud smile.

I smiled at his comment and ran my hand along my belly.

"Yeah,even I can imagine,but Jin ssi,I want to tell you something... it's like bothering me a lot"

"What is it y/n?"

"Jin ssi,I don't like putting my baby in danger,you know with Taeghyung's working,there will be threat to our baby,do you understand?" I looked at Jin,who was already looking at me with a concerned face.

He held my shoulders gentle.

"I can understand y/n,your like my little sister now,don't worry,I'm pretty sure Taehyung won't put his family in danger,his world is not you and the baby,he will protect you and the baby with any cost,I know that very well,and don't think it's only Taehyung,we all are there for you,the six uncles will always protect the baby"

I smiled at him.

"Don't you think Taegyung is getting a little late? By now he should be home"

"Umm maybe he got an urgent work and went to that" Jin said.

"But he would tell me if that is the case" I said.

"I'll call him,Jin-ssi can you pass me the phone please"
I dailed his number...

The door suddenly got opened and slammed soon.

"Jungkook! How many times should I tell you to close the door slowly,we know your strong but that doesn't mean that you have to  break the door!" Jin scolded Jungkook who just entered with a unreadable face,behind him was Jimin and Suga.

They all were silent.

"Why are you guys so silent,what with those faces?Yah! Jimin what the problem?" Jin asked.

No one spoke,it's like they didn't know what to say and was out of words.

"Jungkook,what happened? Why do you look like that? You guys are scaring me,is there any problem? W-where's Taehyung? Where's he?is he good?" I asked.

They all looked very worried,and me and Jin was confused by them.

"Y/n..." Jungkook softly spoke.

"Jin,come with me,I want to talk to you,and Jungkook don't say anything to her still" Suga took Jin away and went out.

"Jimin,is everything alright?" I asked him.

He faked smiled at me and nodded.


"Y/n y/n calm down,it's not good for you,everything is ok" Junkook said.

"Then tell me what happened,why do y'all look so tensed and all?wait let me call Taeghyung"

"No wait y/n" Jimin said.

I took the phone and dialed his number again.

I heard the door opened and in came Jin and suga,and Jin looked at me worriedly.

"Y/n don't panic ok?Sit down and I will tell you everything." Jin said.

"No,let me call Taehyung"

"Y/n....Taehyung got arrested by the police"



Hey guys,how are y'all doing,After a long time.

Hold on,the story is gonna end soon but there's still lot to come ;)

I'm so sorry for the long hiatus. I got exams,and also forgot the story plot line  too :/

Anyways what do y'all think will happened? Taehyung is arrested,and y/n is pregnant.

*A little spoiler there's gonna be a character that will be joining AGAIN :')

Please vote and comment if there's any mistakes.

I love y'all,please stay hydrated <3

If anyone needs someone to talk,I'm there, I love y'all so much and you guys mean a lot to me,so don't be afraid to talk to me,so hope y'all are fine.

See ya in the next chapter <3

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