Chapter 16

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I woke up to a loud noise.

"Shit she woke up"

"Are you ok ?" I heard Jin.

My head was hurting and felt really cold. It was like someone was trampling my body aches so much.

"You had fever remember? So I came to check on it,and told Taehyung to help me but he just messed things up," he looked at Taehyung and the mess he created.

"I was trying to bring the hot water,but I tripped on this stupid desk," Taehyung pushed the desk with his foot harshly.

"Calm done boy,can't even believe how clumsy you are." Jin shaked his head while pinching his nose.

"Well never mind,how do you feel?"Jin asked me.

Taehyung came on sat on the bed,and checked my fever using his hands.

You can't help but be scared of a taehung,he scared you a lot. Having a really intimidating look, hella taller than you,you remembered how he held you on his shoulder just like sack,the way he was really scary looking when he was mad at you. You weren't scared of him earlier this much,but after that incident you knew how scary he can be.

You kept you mouth shut.

"You still have fever" his husky voice was heard.

You looked at the time,it was  midnight.

"Are you ok y/n, for real you look pale?" Jin asked you.

You faked smile. And nodded.

"I don't think" You heard Taehyung's cold voice. You looked at him. He was not looking at you but was resting his chin on his hand.

"It's midnight,you should sleep,maybe you are tired from the wedding ceremony and all,I'll just tell Taehyung to take care of you,Alright Taehyung?" Jin glared at Taehyung.

"Whatever" said Taehyung.
Jin again galred at Taehyung and raised one eyebrow.

*Sighs* "Alright,Alright" Taehyung said.

Jin felt the room.

Yes you were tired, you couldn't even stand up, You felt your body was burning.

"You can sleep now,Take these pills tho" Taehyung handed over some pills and a glass of hot water.

You layed down on the bed,you looked at Taehyung who was secretly looking at you. The moment you look at him,he would look at another side. He was still sitting on the chair.

"Uh, I'll dim the light" he said awkwardly.

After dimming the lights you closed your eyes.

After sometime you felt someone tarking you to the comfy blankets. You curled into a ball and slept peaceful.


You woke up to a snoring sound next to you.

Taehung was sitting on the bed with his head resting on headboard,but his eyes were closed.

Dark eye bags under his eyes. Messy hair. You the tattoo creeping up his arm.

You had a wet cloth placed your head. You tried to remove it,which caused Taehung to wake up.

"Oh your wake up,how do you feel?" Taehyung asked you. He was still half asleep.

"Good" you said.

He measured your temperature, " oh damn that pills worked,your not burning up anymore" he said with a smile.

"If you can go have Breakfeast with the others,I'll sleep a little,I don't think I can cope up with the work I have with this" He said while pointing at his own dark yes bags in the while looking at the mirror.

You went to the bathroom and did your morning routine.

You came out of the bathroom to see a peacefully sleeping Taehyung. You didn't want to disturb his sleep,so you slowly went down stairs.

Jin was already in the kitchen.

"Oh y/n good morning to you,are you fine now?" Jin asked with concern.

"Yeah I'm doing fine" you smiled at him.

You spent the day with Jungkook hanging behind your back all the time. He would always comes anywhere you goes and the thing is Jungkook also looks nothing but scary. With his neck tattoos and all the 3 Piercings in each ear made him look scary,all of these people were scary to be was when you asked him why he'd always come behind you he would tell that Taehyung had commanded him to always stay with you so you wouldn't escape this.

So the day was spent like that,With Taehyung still sleeping you didn't want to go in to the room.

Hey guys it's your author nim :)
I'm sorry for extreme late late updates :(

But I still love y'all,and I'll make it more interesting.

Pls vote and comme
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