Chapter 26

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These days were going so well, Taehyung had being surprisingly good to me. I never thought I'll admit it but he was the perfect husband a women could ask for.

He took me out on dates,surprise  me with  gifts everytime, even  the Smallest gifts he had given me meant like he had given me the world to me, the way he looks at me felt like he is seeing his whole world within my eyes. And that's the same for me, I started loving him too.

At first I never admitted my feelings,but the more I pushed myself away the more I've fallen for him.

He took care of me when my hand was fractured for 3 months and those were the months we'd fallen for each other.

It was simplest things we did,like watch the stars at night in the roof top,watched a movie in his cozy theatre room,go on walks at night while holding hands,dance to slow songs just like couples and then dance like crazy when comes to faster songs. He was never the same before, I found out he had the crazy side of him which I really liked and always wanted when it comes to a husband, a husband where you can be yourself and be the crazy you while he too join it.

Those 3 months were the best part about being with Taehyung.

Taehyung had promise me that he'll not kill innocents,when I asked him what happen to Zack,he would always stay quite and get away with the question somehow,but he'd told he never killed him tho,and Zack was under his supervision and he was prisoned in a place of his,where he keep his captured enemies.

And the boys,we like sisters and brothers more like best friends. They'd also taken care of me while I was fractured. The Kim's mansion was filled with happiness and joy.

Everything was calm.

But they say it's w always the calm before the storm...

It was another Saturday night. Me and Taehyung went out, the stars were sprinkled on the night sky,both of our favourite was walking on the streets at night eating street food,so here we are.

Me and him came all alone,no guards or nor his hyungs. But I'm pretty sure he has a gun tuck under his shirt or somewhere hiding under his clothings. For him the Gun was like your favourite lipstick where you carry all around.

"Y/n ah, what are going to eat today?" Taehyung asked while looking at me.

"Ummmm,what about Tteokbokki?" I suggested not sure what to exactly eat when there's a whole lot of choices to make.

"Perfect, Tteokbokki it is then" he smiled and ordered the food.

We walked on the street while eating out Tteokbokki.

We sat on a bench where there were less people. I looked at Taehyung,as always he was looking perfect,he removed his cap which hid his dark hair and he ran his hand through his ruffled hair. He looked at me and chuckled.

"Am I that handsome to you to stare at me like that?" His comment made me speechless. I looked at the other side quickly.

"Ahhhh I was joking" he playfully placed his hand on my shoulder and we both laughed.

"You know,you can always look at this handsome face cuz I belong to you" he winked at me,and that wink was enough to make me blush.

The city lights were making the night beautiful,a calming breeze moved along the way. The night was calm until You felt that Taehyung'a body tensed up a little. You looked up to him to notice that his face was actually tensed.

"Taehyung ah,is there something wrong? you look worried" I asked him.

"Uhh nope" he smiled and placed his hand back again on my shoulder. His warmth welcomed my body.

But then I couldn't help but to notice that he is looking tensed for some reason.

"Taehyung if you want,we can go back to the mansion"

"Yeah right,it's getting late,let's go back to the car" he said while looking at his watch.

You both stood up.

"Y/n looked out" in no time Taehyung and I was on the floor. Taehyung was on the floor while covering me securely.

Before he got up,two boys ran towards the other direction.

A familiar boys.

"Jungkook and Jimin" my eyes were fixing on their running figures. Very soon there was All the other boys along with a hell lot of guards surrounded you and Taehyung.

I looked up at Taehyung.

He went towards the wall where there was an arrow stuck on to the wall.

I was confused.

An arrow had just passed by me and Taehyung,and then Jungkook and Jimin went towards the direction where the arrow had flown from.

"Taehyung ah let's get out of here,there can be more,Jimin and Jungkook will catch the person who were dared to do this" Hoseok spoke.

"Y/n you ok right,don't be scared now we all are here" Jin held me near his body. I hugged his body.

Meanwhile I saw Taehyung taking the arrow and examining it. He took out a small letter and read it instantly.

Jungkook and Jimin came back.

"We found the person but he had already committed suicide by eating poison." Jungkook said.

Taehyung chuckled. I was not the calming chuckle or anything it was that again the chuckle that made me get goosebumps.

He had the the small letter to Namjoon.

And soon after Namjoon smirked.

"Back to work guys" he cracked his neck lazily.

"Jackson wang is here"


Hey guys what's up.

I can't forget our Jackson right? *wink* *wink*

Btw did you see the Mc Donald BTS meal, bruh

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