Chapter 31

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Taehyung took you out of the meeting room,while the others were firing at the enemies.

"Jimin-ah,cover up y/n and me while I take her to a safer place" Taehyung shouted at Jimin,who was busy fighting a man.

"OK!" With that Jimin and Taehyung were firing at the enemies who were firing back at us.

Thank god they always carry guns around, you thought while run away with Taehyung.

He took the lead,and headed to our room.

You were shaking due to the loud sounds coming from the guns,it was too loud that you had  covered your ears and closed your eyes tightly.

Suddenly you were pulled towards a hard chest,and you knew who's  chest was it. Hearing his heartbeat thumping against your head,you open your eyes slowly. He was already looking at you,with an unreadable expression. You felt safe around his arms.

"A-are we gonna die?" You asked.

"Yes,we are"

"But not today" he replied with a smirk.

"Y/n can you stay here?I'll send someone soon,don't worry,ok" he patted your head and you nodded even though you don't want him to go.

After sometime,the room got filled with men in fully black attires barged into the room.

You soon recognised its Taehyung's men.

"Mam'm please come with us,sir will take you to a safer place"

You nodded and went with them. The mansion was a mess. Blood,bodies,broken glass everywhere. You closed your eyes at the sight of dead bodies laying.

After moving out from the mansion,you met with Jin who had blood all over his body,but no wounds.

You look at him and blinked hardly.

"Ah y/n glad your safe,Taehyung wants to take you to a safer place,he'll be coming with you,we won't"

"Why aren't you guys coming,and are you ok,you look,like umm.."
You couldn't think of a word but soon Jin covered it up.

"I know,I know,anyway we won't be coming until we capture Jackson,and please be careful"

"Take her from the back door" he commanded at the guards.

"See you soon,Jin"you smiled at him,and he smiled sadly.

You didn't feel good about this.
Your heart was telling you that something bad will happen.

You saw Taehyung in a black car.

"Y/n soon get in"

You ran towards the car and got in.

"I'll go with her,help the others" he said to the guards and left the mansion. The gunshot sounds echoed through out the mansion still,indicating that the memebers are still fighting off the enemies.

"How were they?" Was the first question you asked him.

"Jackson's men" he said without elaborating.

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere,so that I can keep you safe"

The tension in the car was thick. You didn't want to ask further more questions,he looked intense.

He had his jaw clenched throughout the ride.


A loud sound made you flinch.

"Shit" Taehyung cursed under his breath.



"No no duck"

he pushed your head down with his hand while driving and looking behind from the side mirror as if someone was following behind our car.

He rolled the window down,and took out his gun and aimed at the cars that were behind us.

Soon there was gun fights.

"Taehyung I remembered you saying that these men won't use weapons except for swords" you asked him still crouching down.

"Even I thought that" he was driving,and firing at the same time.

Suddenly a car made a huge noise and before you know it,the car was running off a cliff. You held on to your seatbelt as if that was the thing depending upon your life. Your screams echoed throughout and the car stop at a point.

But you were too exhausted as your head was hit several times,blood oozing out. It was obvious that you would lose your conscious now or maybe even die!?

You looked up at Taehyung,as you could barely keep your eyes open.

He too had blood dripping down his forehead,he was still alive and had energy to to talk to you.

"Y/N,Y/N!" He held your hand tightly,he was scared to lose you.

"Y/N your going to be find,DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES,Please~"

"I've never begged anything in my life before,please stay with me for a little time".

Even if you couldn't see properly you found his voice weakened and soft.

Taehyung had his eyes filled with tears,this was not suppose to happen,his plan,worked,until he saw y/n bleeding,he did not want to hurt her,this was not in his plan, he started blaming himself.

You weakly smiled at him.

"I love you Taehyung"

Your whispered enough to Taehyung to hear it.

"I love you Too"

With shivering lips he managed to say it,tears endlessly falling down from his eyes.

He kissed your forehead.

His loud,frustrated husky cries echoed through the empty forest.

He yelled frustratedly,blaming him.

No I won't let anything happen to her. He thought.


Haha... a small chapter. What do you think will happen!? Lemme me know :)
Please did y'all see Taehyung in a mesh top today at BBMAs HOLYYYYYY SHEEETTTTTT!!!!

Anyways how's BUTTER!??
JK sand his purple hair,Suga's Rap,BTS making ARMY logo,Hoseok solo dance,Jimin's rainbow hair,finally Jin getting more verses in the song, Namjoon and his cute shorts. GIVE ME REASONS TO CRY!!!!

And also I've published a new book,lol.
It's JK fanfic. Y'all will like it too,idk.

Anyway just wanted to say that,your loved. Loved my me,if you ever feel like no one loves you,remember this author loves you a hell lot,ok? Even if we haven't met each other,there's this author some where in this world loves you... *sending virtual hugs and kisses*

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