Chapter 8

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Your body felt numb, you want to move your body but you couldn't feel anything,you wanted to wake up but your body refused. You heard voices, some familiar voices. A groan escapes your mouth,you felt your fingers move. Slowly you open your eyes,only to see things still blurry. You got up and tried to focus on on one thing so that your eyes will focus clearly.

"Do you feel any good now?" You turn you heard to notice that Hoseok was next to you sitting in the corner of the bed,and Jin was sitting on a chair next to the small table that was just besides the bed.

Jin was having a wet white cloth,and a small bowl of hot water was on the small table. You notice that your forehead was damped with a another white cloth,you removed it from you forehead.

But a gentle hand stopped you from removing it.
"Don't, your fever is still not down, you fainted due to the high fever, you've gotten wet due to rain which caused you to have a high fever" Jin explained.

"You have to eat something and take these medicines" Jin handed some medicine,he also handed some apple juice with a cheese sandwich.

You ate it all while Hoseok and Jin blabbered about the your health. Jin was just like your mum.

"Y/n you have to drink hot water everytime if you want to get well soon" Jin told you.

Weren't they angry? Like you had escape from the mansion and still they treated you nicely?

Your thoughts were cut off by the opening of the door. In they came Taehyung along with Jungkook behind him. You shivered at his presence. Taehyung's cold eyes looking directly at you,more like staring deep into your soul.

Hoseok and Jin stood up immediately.

"Ah Taehyung she is kind of ok. She is not fully recovered,she still has fever" Jin said Taehyung.

But Taehyung's gaze never left your body. He didn't bother to even nod his head or talk back to Jin. He just stared at you coldly. He was angry but he kept it inside him,you could say by the way he acted.

"Everybody leave the room, Now" Taehyung commands everyone with his deep voice.

"I have to talk to y/n alone, no one disturbs me"  he said.

Everyone is the room left leaving me and Taehyung alone. You lean your back on headboard.

"Are you that dumb?"

"Huh?" You were confused at his statement.

"Are your really that dumb thinking of escaping at late night? If there was no one around you would be dead by now." He raised his voice.

"As if you would care if I was dead, I really wished I was dead rather than staying here doing nothing and having to obey your stupid rules" you said trying to look confident.

You saw Taehyung taking steps towards you. He stopped just infront of the corner of the bed where you were sitting.

He slowly bend towards you and began to hover you. You didn't have anywhere to go,he trapped you in between his arms,you were under him. He pinned your hands besides you using his hands.You stared at him, thinking what his next move will be. You were scared but couldn't do anything.

"W-what are y-you doing Mr Kim?" You stuttered.Hearing that his lips curved into a smirk.

"You know what y/n, I know you are just trying to act tough but look at you, you look like a scared little kitten." He said. You looked away but he held your chin with his hand.

"Look here, You belong to me, Your my property so you must obey my rules even it's stupid or not, your mine, I can throw you like a chewing gum if I want to,throw you like a used tissue paper, your nothing but my property" with that he let go of you.

"Go get ready, I don't care if your sick or not,get ready by 10mins, and be downstairs,Jimin will take you to the mall for you to buy some clothes" he said while heading to exist the room.

"Oh wait another thing" he just stopped himself from opening the door and turn to your side.

"Here after don't call me Mr Kim, call me Taehyung, Mr Kim sounds too old for me" he simply said and existed the room.

You quickly dressed up and headed downstairs, you didn't even know who Jimin was. So how would you find him.

"Hey there lady? I see that your already here."

A sweet voice was heard behind you. You turned around to see a male with angelic features was standing infront you. He was not that tall. His hair was light brown and he had wore a channel hearing with a matching silver necklace. He wore a navy blue shirt with ripped blue jeans. The navy dark shirt matched his light skin colour.

"I'm jimin" he winked at you. Your cheeks was heating up.

"Ah yeah" you didn't even know what you were saying, or how to act infront of him.

"Ok shall we go?" He asked you and offered his hand and you didn't  want to be rude so you took his hand and let him lead his way. He would raise his one eyebrow everytime when he speak. You his lips would curve a bit while he talk.

He took to a big garage,you saw lots of different cars and jeeps and motor bikes all aligned.

"Chose any car" jimin told you.

"Oh, ok"

"Maybe this one" you pointed at a car which was black, it had only the two front seats.

"Great choice" he smiled at you.

He opened the door for you,you got inside.

Jimin drove the car. You saw him eyeing you everytime with corner of his eyes.

He stop the car In front of a large shopping mall. He opened the door for me and let me out. He was such a gentleman.

He took me to different kinds of shops, and brought me clothes.

"Omg Jimin,it's so expensive, I can't let you buy these, how can I even pay back" I told him seeing the price of the Gucci jacket.

"Pretty girls like you are more valuable than diamonds and jewels,and also your too precious because of your personality too,so it wouldn't mind spending money on you,more over you'll look nice in these" he said as pointing at the clothes.

"And Taehyung likes girls wearing branded clothes just like him" he said while he bit his bottom lips.

Suddenly we heard screams coming from the building. Everyone was running and screaming. It was chaos.

"What is happening?" You asked Jimin.
And then you saw some men with black clothes entering the mall.

"Oh shit,we got a problem here" Jimin said looking at the men. They were looking for something.

"Why what's the problem? Why is everyone screaming" you asked Jimin.

"Don't worry I got it-" Jimin said while touching his back of his pocket,but his eyes got widen and panicking he search all over his pockets for something.

He smiled at you,and scratched his back.

"I have left my gun in the car,and those people are here for us" he said.

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