Chapter 33

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It's been 3 weeks since I knew that Taehyung is dead,but my mind kept telling me he is not. He cannot be dead,how? He is the bravest man I've seen,he couldn't be dead easily,he is fighter.No,freaking way.

I mentally scoffed.

My mum said he died on the car accident,but his body was not found. The police had said that he had burned,when the car had got into a fire.

But then how come I am alive?did he perhaps saved me,ahhhh~ where is he?

Every night I was thinking about him. I every moment I was thinking about him.

You never know the worth of someone,until they had leave you forever... until you realise that you would never see them again... until you realise you would never feel their warmth.

He had barely smile,and it was the most sweetest smile I'd ever seen. Your mum,friends had told me several times to move out and get a another man,but,how can I?

It was too late to realise my feelings towards him,even though he had always been heartless, I had loved him.

And the members,all I knew about them,was that they are alive and they were the ones that had brought me to the hospital.

My mum said that the boys had told her everything,when the boys had come to  the scene,the car was burning already and they couldn't find Taehyung,they found me outside the car laying unconscious. So they were the ones who had brought me to the hospital. I hope they too are fine,it must be hard for them to know that their boss is already gone that easily out of this world.

The only option is to find them. I tried calling all the members but no of the numbers worked. I tried going back to the mansion,the place I had once hated the most. But the mansion was burned down. No trace of human being living was there.

But I never gave up.

It's my only option and I will find them somehow.

I searched in local casino places,clubs,places they would always go,but no, sadly I couldn't find them.

My friends were really worried about my condition,they helped me a lot. They always said to forget the past and get a new life. I highly doubt that.

I walked down the streets of Seoul. My eyes immediately caught a poster that was pasted on a convenient store.

Under ground battle field,Join in to witness the great fighters performing today live at the underground stadium at 10pm. Who will win today's championship cup?
It read.

Two old men were talking about it.

"The new fighter is super cool,he even knocked out  soojun,and you know that Soojun was the best fighter in the ring,no could defeat him,until that new boy came out of no where"

The person blabbered about the new boy,and I didn't know why I was even listening to it but I stayed there looking at the poster while the old man was talking.

"What was his name again... ah it's Junbook or something like that" the old man excitedly said.

My eyes widened hearing the name.

It could be the person I am looking for now, my mind kept telling me.

I quickly jumped into the conversation.

"What was his name again?"I asked the old man with the beard.


"Is it Jungbook or Jungkook" I asked him again to confirm the name.

"Oh yeah it's Jungkook" he laughed as he got the name right.

I mentally breakdanced.

I'm coming for ya Jungkook. Please tell me Taehyung lives. I prayed.

I checked time and there was time to start the matches.

I'm surely going to watch this,maybe it's  Jungkook  or maybe it's not.I got to stay positive though.

Few hours later

I sat down where I could see the fighting ring very well. There were people cheering and yelling as the fights had already began.

It was scary as it I must be the only innocent looking one out of the crowd which didn't help me at all.

People lighting up their devil's leaves,while I was trying not to choke on the toxic air.

"Next up we have the youngest champion on the ring today~ all gather up for Jungkook~" the moment the announcement was made,my eyes Aimed at the Muscular boy coming on the ring,he had wore a mask,but I could see it was him.

The tattooed that was running from his torso to his neck,his black hair,the body structure,every movements,from walking to the looks he gave, it was surely the one and only Jeon Jungkook. No doubts about that.

How could no one recognizes him as the Jungkook himself? He uses his really name,even though he covers his face with a mask. Thoughts were running up my mind as he was fighting with his opponents.

He had won against all his opponents making him the man of the match,well not surprised. The matches were over.

I slowly went from the crowd and sneakily went towards the place where Jungkook went after his winnings,hoping to find him.

There he was, facing his back at me,a white towel placed on his shoulder as he was wiping his sweat with it.

"What do you want,I am not going to give autographs" he said with his cold voice.

How the fuck did he know I was here? He is literally facing the back at me.


He quickly turned around.

Shock was written on his face. He was looking at me with utter shock.

"Y/n?" He whispered.

Tears of joy left my eyes.

With sudden,He had hugged me as if I would disappear if he let go of me.


Hey,hey... it's 3am here and yeah I'm writing fanfics. I want to tell you that I love you guys soo damn much even though I haven't seen you guys,like I'm not kidding. The comments makes me happy soo much. I read each and everyone's comments and even SS some to read when I have bad days so that I feel happy.

Like the BTS a meal did you guys have it???

Can I recommend an old song?I old but still gold... it's GHOST by Hasley.

I was listening to this and writing.

You wanna ask something about me you can ask,anything about the book,or me,if you have doubts about this books you can ask me...

SLEEP WELL,don't stay awake like me,araesso??? I don't sleep at night lol because I love the night sky,to listen to music at night. That's what I'm doing now. Music hits differently at night :)

Drink water,stay hydrated everytime.

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