Chapter 11

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Hoseok dropped you to your room.It was already night and you'd nothing to do. You remembered that they'll call for dinner soon.

As you thought,a knock was heard from the other side of the door. You quickly opened the door to check who was it and found Jimin standing.

"Come for dinner" he scratch the back of his neck while telling it. He was sure guilty of the situation that happened in the morning.

You and Jimin walked through the big corridor.

"Umm Y/n,I-I don't know what to say,I know your probably scared of what happened but-"

"No no,it's fine" you told.

It's just your anyway sold to them,and there your a property to them even though you don't want to accept that truth. Your dreams,all of them just faded away,it's either you die staying here until who knows when,or just escape from this nightmare.

You don't want to just give up on your dreams anyway,so you have only one option,ESCAPE.

With these thoughts  running inside your head like a river,you'd reach their Dinning room. All of them were sitting around the huge dinner table,except you had seen a new face sitting beside Taehyung.

Even though he was sitting you could see how stiff he holds his figure. He very was intimidating. His buff arms was showing off with the black shirt he was wearing. His blond hair was matching with his skin tone. Tattoos running up his exposed neck.

"His name is Namjoon" Taehyung said,as everyone was now looking at you.

You felt embarrassed that you've been staring at The new guy for a long time.He looked at you and smiled,which faded away his dangerous looks,due to his cute dimples.

"Hi y/n. Nice to meet you,I'm Namjoon,I've been looking forward to meet you ever since these guys told me about you" he eyed the other members who were sitting around the table. "But what to do I've been busier than ever,and I heard you got to a situation in the morning... or... was it afternoon."

"It was morning" suga said clearly unbothered and annoyed by the things that was happening around him.

"Alright let's eat" Jin made a sound with his utilities.

You sat between Jungkook and Hoseok.

Everybody started to eat.

"Jin hyung do you want some more pasta, I see that your pasta is almost over." Jungkook stated.

"Yeah sure"Jin said with a smile and tried to handed his empty plate.

"Ok great,get some for me too,it's on that kitchen counter." Jungkook said.

You suddenly choked on your food by hearing that. You saw how Jin was boiling with anger.
"For awhile I thought you were been nice to me,I am the one who is the idiot here" Jin shouted at Jungkook.

"Shit,I should have recorded it,he really said he was an idiot" I heard Jungkook mumbling it.

"Shut up Jungkook,I didn't mean it"Jin said.

"Did he really hear that?" Jungkook looked at me.


"Yeah yeah you only make food to show how good your cooking is,and It would be really peaceful if the maids cook us the food,because they wouldn't brag about their cooking." Suga annoyingly said.

"But I like the food Jin makes,it tastes good." I said looking at Jin who was pissed.

"See at least someone likes the food I make,you guys don't deserve me,next time make your own food without the help of the maids and see how hard is it" Jin said while looking at the boys.

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