Chapter 17

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Weeks passed. There's nothing to do except to roam around the house. You hated to stay with Taehyung. Teasing you was his all time hobby. Yes,he was different. He still haven't been mad at you or something but was he still that scary Taehyung.

Yes he made you scared most of the time. But he was also a whole lot different kind of a flirter. He knew that you were scared of him and he loved it. He loved how you stutter,he loved how you widen your eyes when he says something corrupted. He had not sexually touch you atleast for now,but you knew his inner monster could wake up at anytime and who knows what would happen? So you never ever wanted to mess with him.

As always you were in your room,Taehyung hadn't come,as it was almost the midnight which concerd you a bit. He would sometimes come home at late as he goes to his so called missions but he always says that he'll come late if he does. But this time he didn't even say that'll he'll come late or not.

Slipping off your thoughts you tried to close all the lights and sleep as it was really hard to keep your eyes open.


The voice was inaudiable.

So,I shrugged it off.


The voiced cooed on to my ear. Again shrugged it off.


"Wify wake up,we have to go somewhere"

Suddenly someone took away my blanket,which made me furious.
Only to wake and see Taehyung holding the blanket with his signature smirk on.

"I'll give you 5mins to get ready,pack your stuff for now we have to go somewhere,and don't ask any questions," he said and left the room along with Jungkook who was behind his back all this time.

I quickly got ready and looked at the time. It was 1:32am.

Where the hell is he taking me at this time. It's dark as hell,looking at out side the glass window all you could see was darkness. What would you except? A sun at the early morning?And not to mention it was raining heavily.

You rushed downstairs with your packed clothes. He was waiting with along with his one and only cold stone boy Jungkook and Suga. Taehyung was wearing a black suit with his white shirt half way unbuttoned.YSL brooch was placed on the left side of his pocket. His neck tattoo clearly visible.

"Suga will be driving to our destination,I got some mission outta this place,so you being my little wifey, you get to come along with me whether you like it or not,as if I would care about your opinion" while whispering the last part he turned around to leave the house. The guards bowed down at him and all were keenly in a straight line,Which made you awkward.

The  rain wouldn't stop for a long time,You thought.

You got on to the car.
Suga on the driving seat,and you had been stuck in the middle of Taehyung and jungkook in the backseat of the car.

The moment the car engine started Jungkook got his laptop and started working on it. You just stayed looking at your hands,fiddling with fingers and playing with the hem of the dress.

It's was very hard to keep your eyes open as you were disturbed my your beauty sleep. Even though you tried your best, you sometimes you wake up to sudden feeling of your head falling down without your concern.Couple of times you fell on to Jungkook's shoulder and you quickly woke up just when you got contact with his shoulder.

Just,when again your eyes were starting to slowly closing you Felt someone lifting you up from the seat.

Just to notice that Taehyung had placed you on between his lap.

"Baby girl You looked so sleepy,I don't want to see your head on Jungkook's shoulder ,look at him he is working on an important document it's not good to trouble him hmm?so without struggling and making things worse let's sleep like this for now" ...

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"Baby girl You looked so sleepy,I don't want to see your head on Jungkook's shoulder ,look at him he is working on an important document it's not good to trouble him hmm?so without struggling and making things worse let's sleep like this for now" he whispered on to my hear which gave me goosebumps and also a uncomfortable ticklish feeling.
You heard a snickered laugh escaping from jungkook but then again he was back at his work on his laptop.Suga took a small glanced through the mirror and smirked.

It's was embarrassing,and your anxiety was eating you up.

Without having another choice you sat on between his lap and layed your head on his body. Of course your body is so small comparing to him. He had snaked his arm around your waist securely.

You wanted to be comfortable but thinking about whose lap you were placed on,couldn't make it happen. Just for the another fact you were on a moving vehicle and the road was bumpy and you didn't even know where this idIot was taking you. You looked at the window,looking at the small water droplets falling made you calm.your eyes were giving up again. The sound of the rain was music and a nice lullaby to you.

You woke up a loud bang.

"What was that?"

you saw that Taehyung was also tensed by the sound. He was clearly sleeping too as his hair was messy and eyes were puffy. But his hands were still securing your waist like a seatbelt.

Jungkook too closed his laptop and looked at suga. Who had suddenly hit the breaks of the car. The car had stopped moving.

"Flat tire" was all escaped from Suga.

Taehyung placed you on the seat from his lap and took out his phone. He went out of the car soon to jungkook and suga followed him. You also went out of the car with them.

Suddenly Taehyung hit the car's tires with his leg angrily. Everyone looked at him.

"There's no signal in here" was Taehyung said irritatingly.

Now you guys were lost in a place where there's nothing but huge trees besides the narrow road. No signal. No where to go. And more over the rain had not stopped yet. Thundering had been increasing from each time to time which scared you the most.


Hey guys, how are y'all doing!!?? Happy Suga day to y'all. A present from me *wink* *wink*

Btw vote and comment if you like my story cuz I appreciate those luv soo much bruh 😭😭😭😭

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