Chapter 6

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<< Taehyung's POV>>
"Kill him!" I commanded. Jungkook nodded his head. Jungkook shot him on his head,even before the person could talk.

There, lifelessly lying the betrayer with his eyes open. I was not satisfied with his death, I wanted him have a painful death,but the anger got the best of me. I anyway didn't want to see that betrayers face anymore.

"Go and hide all the evidence. I don't want to see ANY mistakes,you know one mistake can lead into a huge mess.Now go" I commanded all the guards.

"Jungkook and Namjoon come with me to the office I have some work there, and hoseok,jimin and suga go back to our mansion and search for every detail about this asshole,I want to know EVERY single piece of shit about him, specially the one who he worked for." I told them.

"Taehyung? What abou-" hoseok couldn't continue as all the attention went to Jungkook.
His phone started ringing. He took the phone from his pocket.

"It's Jin" he said and answered the phone.
"Why are you calling Hyung?" His was was calm.

"WHAT?" Jungkook shouted and then cut the call immediately.

"Shit" jungkook mumbled loud enough to hear us.

Everyone was quite,we knew there was some kind of problem the way Jungkook cut Jin's phone.

"Hyung" he paused.
"What?" I asked him.
"she have escaped" he told.

"WHAT? I'm gonna Kill her" I shouted.

"Calm down taehyung, you know she can't escape us" Suga said annoyingly.

"Jungkook you go with others and find her, you know how to deal with her and namjoon come with me, I'll do my work in the office and come back to mansion, but when I come back,I want her to be in the mansion,y'all understood?" I said.

A big sigh from suga was heard and he went back to his car without even talking. And others followed his lead with their cars.

This is giving me a headache.

Me and Namjoon drove to our office.

<<y/n POV>>
I ran like there's no tomorrow my legs were hurting but I didn't care. I wanted to go far as I can,I don't want to see their faces. I ran into a city.

Wait I know this place, Seoul?
My earlier home town before I moved to Busan because of the debts my dad had. I knew every corner of the Seoul city.

It was still dark but the lights of the night street gave the clear vision. I didn't have anywhere to go, even though I stayed in Seoul. I couldn't go to our earlier house it was taken by some other people. I wanted to go the police station so I could hide from them. But I was sold, he have the right to keep me with him right? I doubted myself.

No, I'm going to go the police i didn't care if he bought me or anything, It's anyway illegal. It would take around 15mins to go to the police station. I started to walk through the streets.

It began to rain suddenly, it was the raining season so you were not surprised. You remembered the last time when you saw your parents it was raining just like this.

There were Taehyung's guards all around the city searching for you. You had to use an alley to hide from them as It was so hard to hide from them. Not a single soul as it was midnight. What scared you the most was the way they carry their guns,they used to hide them but now they are carrying them on their hands.Will they kill me if they find me?

You see the police station. Your mind becomes calm,thinking you were safe. You go inside the police station only to see no one inside. Files open with papers everywhere, no one.

"Hello,is there anybody?" Your voice echoes through the the empty hall. But No answer.

This is not good. I should get out today here. Your thoughts run through your head. You walk back to the door only to be stop by a voice. You couldn't believe what was happening.

That voice.

"Where do you think your going?" The voice fills empty halls. You turn your back to see Jungkook along with some Guards inside the police station.
"W-what are y-you doing here? Where are the police? I'm going to call them" you started to ask help from the police but no one was inside, and no one came to help you.

Jungkook takes long steps towards you. He was just infront if you but still you couldn't move, you were in confused. Where are all the police,why is he here in the police office. What is happening.

Jungkook grabs your hand and try to grab you out of the station, you bit him.

"Ouch, you bitch" jungkook crys in pain.
You take this opportunity to run from him. No guards were outside the station. But there were guards following you from behind. Your whole body was wet due to the heavy rain that was pouring down from the sky. You turn to see that Suga and all were running behind you along with Hoseok. You quickly hinds in an alley.

"Where's she?" Suga asked from Jungkook. Jungkook shurred his shoulders.

They were all tired. You could see them but they could not. You were hiding behind a huge dustbin.

"I think she went this way" hoseok point and they all ran that way along with those guards.

You started to run into to the direction so that you will not get caught.

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