Chapter 21

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Mention of blood and violence. Please do not read if your uncomfortable with the following topics.

I DON'T support any acts of violence here.

Your body was in pain.
It felt like you were on fire.
The bruisers felt like they were burning. Hot tears poured out of your eyes.

Zack's men had beaten you up badly. They never had mercy on you. Even though you cried,begged them,they never stopped until Zack command them to.

He was still inside the basement which you and jungkook was kept.

Jungkook was still chained. He tried to break free from his chains when you were getting beaten up,but he couldn't. Each time he said to leave you alone,Zack would punch him. Jungkook's anger was shown by the way he was looking at Zack.

"Let's leave them for today,we can continue this tomorrow" Zack said.

"Take out the chains from Jungkook,let's give him time to heal,and remove the hand cuff from the girl too" Zack said and left the basement.

His men came and took away the hand cuffs.

And Jungkook was too removed from the chains.

You fell from the chair,you wanted to go near Jungkook,just to check if he was ok. He was obviously not but you wanted to go near him.

With hard you managed to go  near him.

The guards had left you both and only you two were the only people who was inside.

"J-Jungkook" you finally let out your words.

He looked at you.

"I failed to look after you" he said while placing his back on the wall.

"No no don't tell that. Think about you,You're the one who is hurt very badly,Are you ok?" You asked him.

"It's a normal thing,we have been used to these shits,"

The room was silent.

"Y/n are you hurt?," you shakes your head saying no. Even though you were,you didn't want to bother him,he is lot worse than your state. You didn't want to be a burden to him than you already is.

"I'm sorry you had to go through this" he gathered up his strength and stood up.

You were also sitting and leaning against the wall,you looked up at him. He looked so tall.

He removed his bloody shirt. Your eyes scanned his toned abs which was now covered in bruises.

"Like what you see?" He was not looking you but had a smirked curved up his face while he unbuttoned his last few buttons of his white shirt.

What?How could he act like nothing happened.Not even a minute passed but he was smirking like nothing happened. You thought.

"Aish,I was joking,"he ruffled your hair.

He made you look like a small kid.

"Come here,let's have a look at your wounds" he patting on the floor as he sat on the cold floor. He was was not wearing his shirt. His blue denim was was hung on his V line waist. Tattoos were inked on to his tone skin.

You sat next to him near the wall.

He touch your bruised hand and your mouth unknowingly let out a hiss. It pained you.

"Does it hurt so much?don't worry just wait for another day,I'll promise you,I'll break his hand where he slapped you on the face" he said while examine your bruises.
"He drag you to this problem,your a clueless one in this Mafia world,that idiot took advantage of everything"

How did Jungkook know you'll get out this place for sure,what if Taehyung didn't come to rescue you?
Were you going to die here? you thought you would  die out of taehyung's hands but now it would be here by that guy called Zack. Your thoughts made you cry.

"Oh why are you crying,don't cry y/n you gotta to be strong,don't worry,this coconut head cannot kill us,let me tell you y/n,he is an coward,don't be scared of him,he must be having a lot of people around him,but he is nothing compared to Bangtan aka your husbands clan" he said and smiled at you warmly.

This was your first time seeing him smiling. He made sure you were ok. He had a soft look when he smiled. He looked like bunny. There were no scary looking Jungkook while he showed his bunny teeth.

Jungkook had told you many stories of him being in situations like this. He showed you some of the small scars that he had got. He had cared about your  bruises.

"Time to check my ones now" he looked at his chest and checked for his new scars that he'd gotten today.

He examine his wounds. He wiped of the blood with his shirt like it was nothing to him.

"Ooo this is gonna leave a scar" he pointed at a wound and wiped off the blood with his shirt that he had removed.

"Ow Ow shit" he cursed when his touched his wounds but he clearly didn't bother that much,not a tear left his eye. He just only cursed,but as you can see it was a painful wound,if it was for you,you would die out of pain. You thought and looked at him with an amusing look.

"Did this bugger really had to grab my hair like that, my hair was the signature look of mine,I swear to god if one of strand on my hair is damaged I'm gonna shave his hair bald," he said while pushing his messy hair back with his with his hands.

"Ok y/n sleep a little,something tells me that tomorrow will be an exhausting day" jungkook said.

You both were in the cold ground. You tried to sleep but you didn't even want to close your eyes. You didn't want to sleep. The wounds were making it worse.

"J-jungkook are alseep?" You wispered.

"No,why?" He asked.

"I can't sleep,I don't want to"

"Y/n,y/n" he sat straight and looked at you.

"Don't worry,trust me,give Taehyung a day,he will come. You don't have to be scared,like look at the way Zack gets triggered every time when I say coward and all. He knows that he cannot pass our clan,and still tried it,that would be the stupidest decision and the worst mistake he will ever do.I wondered who told this guy our location in the motel"he started to thinking.

But soon after he talked. "Anyways sleep,I'm not gonna sleep,so don't worry,"he said and started to run his hand on your hair which made you comfy.

"You like it?"

"W-what?" You asked.

"like it when I caress your hair?" He asked.

"Umm,I dunno" you didn't want to say that it was good,you were still awkward around him.

"Why are you like this?are you still angry with me for slapping you that day?"

Ohhh... so he still remembers that?

You shakes your head saying no.

"Your Taehyung's Wife,my first priority is to protect you now" he said.

"Ok sleep now,we still dunno what tomorrow will bring us" he said while still caress your hair.

Your eyes gave up and before you knew it you fell alseep.Hoping Tomorrow wouldn't be bad as today.

How's the chapter???
Let's see what will happened in the other chapter.

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