Chapter 9

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When you heard that those men were after you guys,your body stiffened.

"W-what are you saying?what do you mean by they are after us? Why is everybody scaredy of them?" You asked Jimin.

"Don't worry,don't panic,we'll have to get to the car first, I can call taehyung and ask for back up" Jimin said.

"Y/n take a scarf from the shop and cover your face" Jimin told you.

"Why should I cover my face, they don't even know me" you asked him.

"They are actually searching for me,so obviously they know my face,so if they saw you with me,no doubt,you'll obviously get in trouble"

"Will they kill me?" You asked Jimin.


You quickly went to the shop and took a scarf and covered your face just like Jimin said.

"So your ready?"

"Ready for what?" You asked him totally confused.

He held your hand and dragged you out of the packed crowd. Everyone was existing the mall. Those men were searching every corner of the mall. Jimin had also wore some sunglasses and a cap to disguise himself. He didn't let go of your hand.

However you and Jimin manage to get to the parking lot without any trouble. You both got inside of the car,Jimin drove his car.

He started to increase the speed and you saw why.

There was a black car following the your car. You knew it was those men.

Jimin Took a call to taehyung, and You eavesdrop to their conversation.

"Taehyung we got an issue here. Black labels are back and they came to the mall, they had knew that I would come there, we lelft the mall but Zack is following us now, send back up, there's y/n safe with me"

"Ok taehyung I will meet you there" with that Jimin hung his phone call with taehyung.

Jimin took a stern right turn which made the car tilt a little, you had never being in a car that was speeding up this fast. You heard the car that was behind taking the same right turn which made a screech sound.

You held to your seat belt as it was the only thing that could save your life.

"Hold tight y/n" Jimin warned you.

With that he took harsh turns and you didn't even see where you guys were heading. He suddenly stopped in front of an alley.

"Quickly get out, there are some of our men so don't worry,Taehyung will take you to the mansion"jimin said.

You got out of the car. Jimin took you inside of the alley.

You saw Taehyung, suga,Hoseok,Jungkook,and Jin along with some men.

"Y/n come with me I'll take you to the mansion, and you guys take care of the situation,alright?" Taehyung said.

You and Taehyung went towards a another car, You both got inside the car.

Taehyung had a stern grip in the steering wheel. He would often look at the side mirrors. He was clearly looking out for those guys.

"Oh shit" Taehyung cursed. And then you saw....

There were some group people with motor bikes following you guys.

"Are they your people?" You asked Taehyung.

"Do they look friendly to you?" Said Taehyung.

"Umm I thought they only wanted Jimin ,he told me when we were in that mall those men were behind him." You asked Taehyung as your curiosity builds up not knowing anything about what is happening.

"Yeah maybe they were just behind Jimin too as he is one of my Closest men,but don't forget I'm the main target because I have the control of this group,so they wants me" he said.

Taehyung drove faster than before.

You notice that the bikes were just soo close to the car that you were riding.

Two of the bikes was just driving besides against Taehyung's car. They were doing different stunts which scared you. They would bump on the car,and it scared you because you were just inside the car,only with a sealbelt on.

"Don't worry these are Japanese assassins,they don't have any weapons and this car is bulletproof,but we can't head to the mansion with these idiots following us,so I'll call boys and ask for their help too" Taehyung said.

"Y/n, press that red colour button, it's the emergency button that would send the location of our car to our boys so they could track the car." Taehyung said and you pressed it.

He somehow manage to keep a distance between the bikers,but still they were following you guys.

He suddenly stopped infront of a old construction building.

"Y/n get out" Taehyung said.

"What are you saying? Are out of your mind?,those bikers are still behind us we don't have time,let's drive,"you said.

"Don't worry, we can't go back to our mansion with these bikers following us,so I'll fight them and don't worry our boys are on the way,you'll have to just hide until I finish off my business with them" he grabbed your hand and hurried inside the construction building.

You guys went inside the the empty building.
"Let's just wait for them, I want to have a good time smacking their asses off" Taehyung said as he cracked his bones in the hand and neck.

Is he going to fight them? Was the only thing that you thought.

"Are you sure about this?" You asked him.

"Ofcourse, Becoming the leader of the most feared Mafia group in Korea was not Just a job that come in hand," Taehyung said while having a proud grin on his face.

And soon there were men inside the building. They were those bikers but they had removed their black helmets.

"Atleast they don't have guns" you said jokingly and hit Taehyung in the arm.

Suddenly out of nowhere they took sharp swords and held them infront of pointed towards you two.

"Are you happy now???" Taehyung asked you with an annoyed expression, your joke was just a bummer.

"B-but you told that they don't have weapons" you got scared at the sight of their sharp objects.

"I told it to make you calm down back there,but no,they don't have guns, they either fight with bare hands or with their swords," he didn't have time to explain the people shouted and barged at him.

You hid behind a large pole.
You got scared,Taehyung didn't have any weapon,he had to fight against some people who owned swords.

You wish this was only a bad nightmare......

But it is not.

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