Chapter 22

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<<Jungkook's POV>>

I looked up at y/n's sleeping figure. She looked fragile and so innocent. She had curled her self into sleep. Pretty sure she must be feeling so scared with everything that's happening.Aish why did this Zack had to take this girl into our businesses? It's us who he hold the grudges.

Thinking all of this I let out a sigh.

Taehyung should be tracking the locations of us. Cuz y/n's marriage ring has a tracker itself and the silver necklace I'm wearing too has a tracker placed on it. Y/n doesn't know this tho.Even though there's the tracker and all,Namjoon hyung have to make a good plan to break into this place,so it'll take more time,till that we've got to stay in this shit hole.

Ahhhh....This place sticks a hell lot. I scrunched my nose in disgust.

I laid next to y/n who was alseep. Using my hand as a pillow,I looked up at the dirty ceiling,water droplets fell from the old pipes. This place is nothing but disgusting. Even we have basements where we keep our traitors but we have it more interesting than this shit.

My gaze went to the sound of door opening. In came a group of six Zack's men,giving an evilish grin. Y/n had also woken up to the sound. I placed my hands on her shoulder to comfort her.

And I got up.

"Jeon Jungkook,it's my pleasure to meet you.I always wanted to see who Jeon Jungkook is,and I never thought we would meet in like this" my eye brows knitted At his comment.

"I wish I could say the same,but no" I gave them a little smirk.

"But We are not here for you, Mr Jeon Jungkook" he said and came towards us with other five of them following him while having an ugly grin on his face.

"We are here for Taehyung's wife,Y/n" he said.

"Nice to meet you too,Y/n" he said while walking towards us and gazing at y/n.

These guys were here for no good reason.

"W-what do you want?"y/n asked him. He went infront of y/n.

I waited for his reply.

Let's see what's going inside that little brain of him. I stood their and crossed my hands on my chest.

"We want you"

My anger rosed up to the highest level hearing that. I clenched my jaw.

"Do you want to die!?" I shouted making him look at my face instantly.

"Do you fucking want to die!?" I went between him and y/n and pushed her behind my back so that she was not infront  this pathetic guy.

I was obviously taller than him,I took the advantage and held his collar. He looked up at my face.

"Do you know who she is!?you fucking idiot?" I gritted my teeth.
"She is KIM TAEHYUNG'S WIFE,You fuck turd." I held his collar more tighter making it him for hard to breathe.

"Lay your pathetic eyes on her,I swear I'll pluck them out of you fucking face"

"You know what? I knew this will be hard for now we have to deal with the infamous Jeon Jungkook,so you think I came with these friends of mine for nothing?" He smirked and look at the guys who were behind him.

Suddenly one guy came and tried to punch me while holding a syringe. It was easy dealing with that dude. I fought back,while trying to grab the syringe from him.

So they were trying to drug me so they could have y/n? Huh?
I internally scoffed at their stupidness.

I grab the syringe and insert the the drug containing in the syringe to his body,which made him become weak. I threw his weak body at the other two men who was standing ready to attack me next.

Their groans were heard through the room. Soon after one guy came storming at me. I fought with him. He hit my wounds that pained me but I couldn't care too much about it. I kicked him and his head knocked on the wall,making his conscious go and he blacked out at that moment.

"Jungko mmmmm" I heard y/n screaming. I turned to see that the guy was on top of y/n.

I stomped towards him angrily.

I'm gonna kill this bastard with my own hands.

I grabbed him from his shirt and removed him from y/n,and dragged him along the concrete floor.

I'm gonna break his bones this time,fucking idiot.

But I felt a sudden presences near my back.

"Jungkook look out!" I heard y/n screaming.

It was too late to look behind,one of the guy inserted the a syringe into me.

"Ahhhh"  I groan while holding the place where the needle pierced into my skin.

I got up and took the syringe from the guy and punched him on the face.

But soon after I tried to punch him again,my body felt limped. I had zero control on my body.evething started to feel dizzy and it was hard to hold my conscious,so I held my head.

"Dude,the drug is working on him,"I heard one of the guy yelling.

"Jungkook,jungkook,"y/n's voice was echoing.

My body fell on the ground.

I feel so weak...

I again failed in protecting y/n.


OMG!!! What will happen to Y/N and Jungkook!!??

I'm so sorry this chapter is not that good. This chapter is from Jungkook's POV.

And lemme show what was JUNGKOOK wearing in the earlier chapters <<The white shirt he remove>>

And lemme show what was JUNGKOOK wearing in the earlier chapters <<The white shirt he remove>>

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It's like this. Btw I feel like this story is getting worse :(

I try my best to make this more interesting for you guys. Pls vote and comment :)

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