Chapter 35

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Next morning

I was walking with Jungkook.
He had come to pick me up from my house.

It was late night,even though he said he'll come in the morning,but atleast he came and I'm happy for that.

We walked to a club,he said Jimin owns this Club,so he's sure that he could find Jimin here.

The we I step on to the club,the guards bow at Jungkook,he didn't even spare a glance at them.

The club was crowed with young girls and boy. They were either making out or dancing like there's no tomorrow.

The club was lighted up with pink and purple neon lights,which gave it an aesthetic look to it. Loud music blasting on speakers,while there was a young DJ boy on a stage.
Everything you could imagine at a club was perfectly designed in.

Jungkook straight headed to the bartender,and he looked at him.


"Quit stuttering,and answer me like a man" Jungkook said in cold tone,making the poor bartender gulp.

"Where's Jimin?" He asked.

"Boss is in the VIP section,I'll tell him,that You sir is here" he went to walk towards the VIP section,but only to stopped by Jungkook.

"No,I'll go there by myself" jungkook said and grabbed my hand,not in a harsh way and dragged me towards the VIP section.

There he was...

Jimin with 4 girls besides him and one girl on his lap.

He was busy flirting with the girls. He did not see us.

"JIMIN-SSI" Jungkook screamed making me flinch at his voice,he smiled at his hyung.

Jimin too got startled. He looked at us in a surprised way and suddenly stood up not bothering about the girl on his lap,she had already fallen on the ground.

"YAH? JUNGKOOK?" They did a bro hug while I was watching them with a smile on my face.

"Ayoo,Y/n... what's up,so glad to see you again" he smiled at me making his eyes go into a crescent shape.

We talked for hours.

Jimin apologized me for being a dick to me,the last day we met,we did not end up well,he had scolded me,but I forgave him.
He is not a bad guy after all.

Jungkook and Jimin started drinking and Jungkook offered me vodka. I have zero control over my body when I drink intoxicated drinks but I drank it hoping I would forget everything atleast for some couple of hours.

Jimin said that he knows where the other members are and he said we'll meet up again by tomorrow.

And with that we drank a hell lot.

Since Jimin and Jungkook Hugh alcohol tolerance,they were still talking.while I was taking more shots.

"Y/n that's enough" a hand stopped me from taking more alcohol in to my mouth.

It was blurry.

I look on to see Two Jungkooks looking at me with concern.

I laughed.

Jungkook's POV

Y/n was drinking too much,she was laughing for nothing while holding her stomach.

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