Chapter 5

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I sat on the bed,there was nothing to do it was still 1 in the afternoon. There was a huge TV in front of the bed. I switched it on,and tried to watch a movie. I finally found a movie and I watch it for hours,there was a knock at the door. I open the door and there was muscular guard.
"Miss come with me to down stairs"he said.
"Why? Is there a problem?" I asked him.
"No miss but I was asked to bring you to the dinning room" he said.

When he said about the dinning room ,I remembered that I had not taken my breakfast.shit. These people didn't even give me breakfast.

"Ok" I said.
I followed him, he showed me the room, so I entered it. The room was huge, with a long dinner table along with matching chairs,and decorated long lamps were hanging from the ceiling. The table was decorated with different kinds of food,you didn't understand whether they were real or plastic it was perfect just like a grand feast.

You could see how big the mansion is,as one of the walls were enclosed with glass. There had a perfect view,but you couldn't see outside the mansion as it was covered with huge tall wall.

"Hello y/n" a voice startled you.

"Oh did I scare you? I'm sorry" it was obviously a male voice,but it was a soft voice.

You look to see there was a man sitting on one of the chairs beside the dinner table. He wore a black shirt. His hair was perfect shining black matching with his t shirt. Atleast someone is wearing something casual.You thought. You could see his big Adam's apple. His whole attire was black perfectly matching with his black hair. He has black tattoos running through his veiny hand.So it did kind of give him a dark aura.

"I'm Jin,and your Y/n?" His Adam's apple was perfectly going up and down on his long neck.

"How do you guys know my name?" I asked him.
Even Hoseok had known my name earlier when I met him for the first time.

A high pitch laugh echoed through the room only to see Jin was laughing.

What was so funny about the question I asked? These guys are crazy. You thought.

"Oh my God y/n,your the talk of the house"he Said.

"I told one of our men to bring you down here.since you didn't have your breakfast Now you could have your lunch, take your time and eat anything you like." He offered me a spoon with gentle smile on his face.

I decided to eat,there were many choices of different kinds of food. I began to eat.

"Normally in this house everyone is busy so the breakfast is always taken in the bed, but they forgot that they have a new guest here." He said.

"Did you guys take your lunch?" With my mouth full of food I asked him.

" yeah I'm going to take, but the others... umm they went on a mission" he started to eat.

"Mission? What mission?" I started to get comfortable around him. He was not like the rest. He was friendly and obviously hungry, you could see that he was, because the way he ate his food was funny.

"Taehyung and the boys always go to some sorta.... ummm how do I explain this to you?" He started to think.

"You could say they went for some sort of business work" he said.

"So aren't you going with them?" I asked him.

"Today... it was not a big deal,so I didn't go" he said.

I was done eating so was he. He offers to clean all the dishes  but he didn't clean them, he gave it to someone to clean them. Well I'm not surprised. They have workers,so why would they bother. Typical.

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