Chapter 41

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mature content!!! You can skip this chapter :)


Caging her between the wall,he painted her skin with his love bites,with his every bite,he wanted to indicate that he owns  each an every inch of her. The way she responded to him,made him smirk against her delicate skin.

out of blue left her collar bone and smashed his lips on her again,and lifted her up so that she was on top of him.

She wrapped her slender legs around his waist,devouring his lips. He carried her towards the bed and the two bodies collapsed on to it.

He pulled away from the kiss,looking at her,like a predator who was going to have its next prey. He brought his face closer to hers,leaving his hot breathe falling on to her tensed body.

She was eagerly waiting for his next moves,laying under him.

"Baby,I crave you so much more when I see you helplessly underneath me,but I have to warn you-"

He moved his lips towards her left ear and He pinned her hands over her head with his slender,veiny hands.

"I don't do it gentle,I like it rough" his husky voice whispered next to her ear.

"And not to mention,I'm very angry about that the fact you drank in a club with Jungkook and Jimin when I was not there"
(A/n: Taehyung is talking about the incident that happened in chapter 35)

Her mouth opened up when he said it.

"How did you know i-" before she could complete her words,he brought his index finger over lips,which made he stopped talking.

"Uh uh,ssshhh. Tonight You will only use your voice only to moan my name,until that let's keep that pretty voice of yours shut,or else my dick will be inside yours,Ahh and if you want to know how I came to know about those incidents,baby girl... I was always behind your back even though you weren't aware of it" he said.

He brought his hips towards her women hood and grind his hard member against it,tilting his head back and a groan. Just the sound of his groan made her wet.

He suddenly began to rip off her garments that was securing her body,with his rough hands. She gasped at the sudden act of his.

Her blouse,was ripped,her only thing that covered her breasts was a black bra. He began to kneading her breasts.

She was scared as this was her first time having a sexual intercourse with someone,but she did like the way Taehyung made her feel. She closed her eyes,feeling the pleasure giving by Taehyung skilfully.

He removed the button of her denim and zip. He knew how to exactly tease her. He slowly removed her jeans,and there she was laying with only in her under garments.

Taehyung looked at her figure which was covered up with the little amount of fabric.

"Don't worry,I know this is your first time but trust me ok? Trust is most important thing we need when it comes to tonight." He said while putting her hair back behind her ear.

He removed her bra,her nipples instantly turned to pebble hard as the cold air hits it.

He removed her black panty and threw it somewhere.


The moment he removed my underwear my body desired to me touch by him more.

His hot breath hitting against my body. His hands were running and exploring every curve of mine. I but my lip hard to control myself and clenched my legs together.

His lip clenched around my breast making me moan as he was sucking on them.

"I said keep it low,we don't want others to hear what we are doing now" his voice was a turn on and was music to my ears.

He played with my breast until he brought his jaw along the way to the lower part of mine,which was throbbing.

He spreaded my thighs to get more access to my women hood. He looked at me before lowering his head to my core.

He licked my core making me arch back due to the pleasure. He looked at me while he was thrust his tongue. His eye contacted me while his lips was licking my throbbing core.

I could feel myself in the urge of a release. He worked with his fingers with faster pace and I released out with extreme pleasure.

I lost track of my breathing,it felt amazing. He licked all of my cum and raised himself up.

I was waiting for what ever he was gonna do to me next. He ran his hand on his thigh searching for something on his blue denim.The moment he felt it,he took it out from the pocket.

A handcuff? Why is he carrying a hand cuff along with him? I don't want to be cuffed tho.

He smirked at my expression.

"Baby,let's do it my way" with that he took my hands and cuff them toward the head board.

"I like when your helpless like this"

"Under me,tied with a cuff,while I give you all the pleasure you want"

I didn't say anything.

I was scared yet excited,I could feel myself more wet.

I looked at him anxiously.

I watched him unbuttoning his shirt with a smirk. He made sure to do it slowly as possible.

He threw his shirt,I could see his honey skin was tattooed with black ink. His blue ripped denim,hugging his waist,showing his V line.

I really wanted to touch his tattooed neck,i want to paint them with my lips,he was was looking hot. His black hair falling to his eyes.

He removed his rings and his watch,and kept them aside the lamp shed.

He saw me looking at him,and his snugged smile crept upon his face.

"You like it? It's all yours. Only yours" he said while smirking at me.

He unbuckled his Louis Vuitton belt and removed his denim,and hovered my naked body.

He crawled towards my face.

"You scared? Don't worry,I'll make you feel good,as this is your first time I'll go slow"

Will he keep his promise or what?


OMG yes they're gonna do it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) lol.

Hi it's me again. I had to unpublished my book and again publish it as one of my guy friends somehow found out this book and he was gonna reading it ㅠㅠㅠ

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