Chapter 39

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The moment I heard his voice,I lost myself. The voice I was being missing for,the voice I always wanted to hear. It was him.

"Taehyung" my voice came out as a whisper.


I couldn't believe what was happening around me,I felt as everything was an illusion. I was scared it'll be an illusion.

I ran and hugged him like there's no tomorrow. I held him tightly,afraid of loosing him again,afraid of let going of him,afraid that this everything will be an illusion. More over afraid that this will be the last day I will hug him.

What if he leaves me again? Thoughts of losing him again came to my mind.

I couldn't control my breathing from crying.

His one hand around my waist,while the other,caressing my hair,softly.

Oh god I miss him.

"It's Ok baby,I'm here now,I promise I won't leave you again,I promise that" he said.

Holding him more tightly,I cried.

I felt safe again,I felt loved again. I felt more alive.

I looked up at his face. He hasn't changed a bit. His eyes held tears like pearls.

Never In my life I've seen this person crying. I got lost in his deep ocean like eyes.

He gently touched my face,and I immediately melted under his touch. I closed my eyes feeling his hands gently wiping my tears. I held his hand and looked at them,trying to come up with the things I always wanted to say to him for the passed couple of months.

But I couldn't make up any words from my mouth.

His hands went behind my neck.

And his next move wasn't something I expected.

He crashed his lips on mine.


His lips simultaneously moved against yours. His lips perfectly fitted like it was only made for  you to be devoured by.
Both of them exploring each other's souls, tilting the neck,craving for more of the euphoria. It was as if the time had stopped by,feeling as if you both was the only souls that was living in this world,both lips connecting with each other making the two lovers feel their sweetness of other 's love.

A kiss which shows how much they've been missing each other. It was shared their warmth ness of their heart,sweetness of their their love. A passionate kiss was shared among them.

Their lips detached,but their faces where still close to each other,breathing heavily. His nosed slowly brushed against hers with a smile on his face.

It was like this time was reserved for these two soulmates,who have been away from each other,for a long time.

But their time was disturbed when the door suddenly opened.

Hey hey it's a double update. Hope you guys forgive this author.




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