Chapter 40

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"Stop moving or I'll blast your head.

Jungkook who barged into the room,held the gun the dark silhouette,not knowing who it was.

His long lost hyung.

Hearing his voice,Taehyung smirked at y/n,tell her to act along.

"Put your hands up,and move away from y/n,RIGHT NOW!" Taehyung played along and put his hands up in the air. Y/n moved away from from him,trying not to laugh at the situation.

"Who the fuck are you and what are you doing here? Answer me asshole!" Jungkook asked still aiming at the dark silhouette.

"Uh uh,Jungkook you really have to mind your language,is this the way you talk to your hyung? Don't you miss me?" Taehyung turned around to face him,still keeping his hands in the air.

Jungkook's eyes widened at the familiar voice. He quickly switched on the lights,so that he could see his face.

The moment he saw his face,his eyes betrayed him and beads of tears felt his eyes.

"Hyung" a soft whisper escaped his mouth.

He stood still not knowing what to do exactly. His boss,his hyung,his friend who was once thought that was dead was standing just infront of him.

Even though he rarely shows his emotions,he too has heart.

"Why you there? It's me Taehyung" Taehyung cross his arms looking at Jungkook,and you stayed behind Taehyung,looking at Jungkook's shock face.

"Ahhh Taehyung,I really can't believe,you" he stopped talking,knowing what else to say.

He went towards Taehyung and they both bro hug.

"Yah! Don't ever do that,don't ever leave us like that,I don't like to admit it but yes I did really miss you" jungkook playfully hit his hyung.

"I know,I ain't gonna leave anyone ,here after,and-" Taehyung moved closer to Jungkook's ear.

"Thanks for taking care of my wife,I was not afraid to leave my Wife alone when I know that our Jungkook would be there to look after her" Taehyung whispered to Jungkook.

"That's nothing hyung,just as much as I respect you,I respect my boss's wife too" he smiled.

"Ok... I want to meet the others,Jungkook call them,let's surprise them"

Few hours later

All of the members were just as surprise as you to see Taehyung back,but not everyone,there stood a member who had helped Taehyung in his plan. It was the eldest of the group,Jin.

He had helped Taehyung in his little plan.

"That day,when Jackson attacked our mansion,Everything went according to my plan. He had distorted half the mansion,and yes it was a plan of mine,so there wouldn't be any evidence or any clue about the mansion. And yes I wanted to take you guys out of this fight,cuz It was a fight between me and Jackson. I didn't want to see any of my loved ones getting hurt,that's why I had to make up a plan like this. I first had to make sure y/n was out of this,he had already aimed y/n as his first target so I made a fake car accident,but that day actually the car really got damaged too much and y/n was bleeding a lot,I got scared,but then I saw you guys were coming,and thankfully y/n's surgery went successfully good. Jun hyung helped me in everything,I should be thankful for him. With out him I wouldn't be able to see y'all again"

Taehyung continued.

"I promised myself not to show up infront of any of y'all before making things clear. And yes now I've set everything clear,and I'm back" he said smiling at everyone who was listening to him with unbelievable expressions.

"Taehyung what happened to Jackson,what if he comes again?" Hoseok interrupts.

"You guys don't have to worry about him now,he won't be a trouble to us anymore,I've taken care of him" Taehyung said.

It was like a family reunion,the small apartment was filled with laughters. You all were sitting in the small living room,with snacks and drinks.

You looked at Taehyung's side profile,he was busy laughing with his friends.

He suddenly looked your side to notice that you were already looking at him,while keeping your face on your palms,adoring his each an every features.

You suddenly heard a ring from your phone,and you and went towards the room to up to take it,Thinking it's your mum who always checks up on you at night before she sleeps.

The other memebers were busy laughing and chatting. Taehyung got up from the couch and went towards the room,which you went. He saw you answering the phone,and the moment you kept the call he came inside taking you by surprise.

"I missed you" he looked at you,while coming towards you. He pressed you hard against the wall and looked at your eyes.

He suddenly attacked your lips,pulling your more close to him. His tongue dominantly fighting against yours,fighting with each other. Ofcourse he won the battle,he smirked through the kiss while still exploring the depth of your soul.

He removed him self from you and before you could even move,he traced his lips through the jaw,slowly bittinv the skin of it. You tilt your head to the side,making it more easier for him to do his job.

His lips slowly m makes it way to your neck. Hardly sucking it,showing his dominance towards you. Your breath was heavy,eyes closed enjoying every magical touch of him.

"I want to make you mine forever,y/n"  he growled.


Oooo la la. I'm here again with an update. And O M G just saw the views and it's almost gonna hit 100k. IM SO DAMN HAPPY!!!

I'm so happy to see this book is having that much views.

I want to twerk to the new butter remix now.

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O M G guys thank you sooooo much for that,it means a lot to me. And yes thanks for you kind words ahhhh I don't even deserve you guys.

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