Chapter 4

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I woke up to a sudden sound of a door closing. Infront of me was Jungkook.

Couldn't he atleast close the door slowly?

"Get ready" with that he Threw me a pile of clothes.

What a way of starting a day... I sighed.

I didn't questioned him,I didn't want to make him angry. I grabbed the clothes and got out of the bed. I wiped my eyes to make my vision clear,and then only I saw how big was this room.

Just wow.

The room was like a modern hotel. The bed was brown with white pillow cases. The wall was a match of all the furniture which was everything brown. There was a neon white light on the ceiling which was already turned on as the other lights was off.

"Could you fucking hurry up?" Jungkook who was now sitting on the bed shouted.

I went inside the bathroom,and wore everything they gave.

I went out of the bathroom. "Come with me, Mr Kim is waiting"

My heart was thumping blood so fast when he mentioned about Mr Kim. I followed him into a hallway and there was a stair case, a big chandelier was hanging from the ceiling. This mansion was so nice. I couldn't see it last night because I was sleepy.It had a modern structure. We walk down and he stop infront of a door.I knew this is where Mr Kim would be. Jungkook went inside, I took a deep breath and followed him into the room.

It was not a room it was kind of like a bar. There were wine glasses hanging from the rack. There was a big shelf,you could get any kind of wine bottles there. It was like a wine shop. Long stools were places on the bar counter. It was decorated with different lights.And on a big chair there sat a person, I couldn't see his face. Jungkook was blocking my view As he was just infront of me.Jungkook stopped infront of the person.

"Taehyung I brought her"jungkook said.

I could see him as Jungkook moved away.He had a cold expressionless face. He looked so rude. He had a wine glass on his hand. His hair,it was falling on to his forehead. You couldn't clearly see his eyes at once when you look at him.His eyes holds a hazardous glare. His eyes was roaming around your body, you were uncomfortable. He was sitting and leaning on big chair with one arm across the back of the chair and one arm holding the wine glass with his slenderness fingers. He was wearing a   Black Long coat which was up to his foot and a matching white shirt with a black tie under neath. His trousers was the same colour as the coat,you could see the expensiveness of his suit. Even the atmosphere around him was dark just like his dark outfit. His one leg resting on his other leg.

"Ok,you may go" he said as he took a sip from his wine. his voice was so deep just like the deep oceans,even though he didn't raised his voice it was just like a command,it was sterned.
Did he say it to me or Jungkook?

I was so confused. As soon as he told that,Jungkook started to leave so followed him.

"Where are you going? Did I tell you to go?" The dark deep voice behind me asked.

Me and jungkook turned around. Now Teahyung was looking at me,with his one eye brow raised.

"Wait here ,Mr Kim wants to talk to you" with that Jungkook left, while I was standing with my jaw hanging out.

Was he Mr Kim?

What? I thought he would be a an old man.

How stupid can I be? There's only one person inside this room along with me, and I came here to see Mr Kim, so how couldn't I think that this was Mr Kim? I shaked my head thinking how dumb I was.

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