Chapter 30

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I felt so parched,as it  felt like my throat haven't watered since forever. Opening my eyes,I looked around to notice I was on our bed,covered in a duvet.I could barely hold my eyes open as it felt so tired to open them.

I tiredly got up and made my way to the door,opening it to notice,the Mansion was awfully quit.

Weird,I thought,as this mansion was never quit,due to the boys,atleast you will hear a comment from Jungkook to tease Jimin,Or Jimin's angry voice shouting at someone who just jokes about his size,or Jin's voice shouting at the boys,or at least a sound of a vase shattering on the floor due to Namjoon's clumsiness.

But the silent was cut by foot steps that was hurriedly walking to your side,it was a guard,wearing his uniform of fully jet black coat with this black trouser.

He bowed.

"Mrs Kim,the boss and the others are in a meeting,he told me to have your breakfast as they will be late" he said led me to the kitchen where there was mouth watering food on the huge table,just like a royal dinner.

My stomach immediately started to grumble.

I smile at the guard and told him to leave so that I can eat the food peacefully.

Grabbing all the kinds of food,I started to munch on the food.

After filling up the empty stomach I started to walk around the garden. But as always there were too many guards each an every corner,holding riffles which for somewhat reason made me gulp hard.

Everyone bowed as they usually do and smile at them awkwardly not making eye contact with them.

I went towards the swing to spend time there.

I might have spend there along time and might have fallen asleep due to the medicines,though I don't remember anything after I fainted,I fairly remember the man who made me punish came to take me from that rooftop,that asshole,after everything.

Someone vigorously shocked me and I almost fell off the swing barely keeping my balance.

An angry Jimin was standing me with his arms crossed. I couldn't help myself from imagining a red Mochi while looking at him,he literally looked like that. His face red and had a serious look on his face.

What did I do this time?

"Umm,w-why?" I finally asked from the man who was burning with anger. His red eyes was sending daggers at me.

Bruh what in the world have I don't this time?

"Come,we need to talk" his thick eyebrows almost met with each due to his frowning.

I walked with him to the mansion.

I kept fidgeting my fingers while walking behind the angry man who was taking fast steps,and no doubt,even though everyone teases him for being short he was still taller than me,Which was to cope up with his walking.

Hardly keeping  up with his steps,I finally managed to not tangle on my own feet while walking with Jimin.

"Umm,Jimin what happened?" I asked him out of curiosity.

But no response.


"For god sake y/n stop asking,you've made enough chaos here" he said halting his steps and after saying that with anger,he went back to his walking.

I stood there froze.

What did he mean by I've made enough chaos?

"Are you gonna come or should I put you on my shoulder like sake and carry you?" he asked annoyingly. He walked while putting his hands on his pocket.

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