Chapter 1

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<<A/n POV>>
Even at night,the roads were full of people. The dark figures were walking along the busy streets. Roads were taken by the cars that were passing by you. The people were rushing to their houses,busy in their own thoughts. Dark sky was filled with flowers like stars. The sky was ready to pour out of the heavy clouds. A heavy gush of wind passes by you, making you shiver out the cold air. The sudden flash of lightening was heard over the loud honking of the cars. You could go home before the rain pours down to the Earth if you take the alley, which was the shortest way to your home.

The dark inky alley had a strong smell of cigarettes and alcohol,but it was surprisingly quiet compared to the busy street. Your mum has already warned you not take this alley,but you didn't have an umbrella, and you didn't want to catch a cold. Another flash of thunder was heard through the dark sky,along with a sudden sound of a beer can been crushed. You turn your head to see what causes the sound but only to see the same empty alley.

It was quiet.

It was awfully quiet,which made your heart thumps blood faster. You took your steps faster. Your breath became heavier.

Before you knew it,You had finally reached your house, which made you feel safer.

You mum was waiting for you,she had already made dinner. Your dad was looking exhausted due to his work. He had to work a lot to earn money for his debts.

<<y/n POV>>

We moved to a new house because we couldn't afford the rent of the earlier house. We were not poor but as my dad lost his earlier job, we went through a lot of trouble.

I sat down to eat my dinner. Unlike those days we didn't have steak or any meat but my mum did her best to not keep us starving. It was 9:37pm . As I finished eating my dinner, I got up to go to my room,to get some rest.

<<A/n POV>>
It had already started raining. Suddenly there was a thundering sound. You thought it was a thunder,but only to see it was the door that had been flashed open by someone. You flinched at the sudden sound of it.

There were people wearing black outfits inside the house.

It didn't take time for you to recognise Mr Kim's men, who your dad had to pay a huge debt.

Jungkook ,who was one of the right handed men of Mr Kim's,was standing Infront them, what scared you the most was his not so happy face. It was cold. He had been always cold but today it seemed off,he seemed mad,pissed,anger written on his face.

You knew him.

You knew that your dad had taken money from them. That's why we left the earlier house. These people where not so friendly. They were dangerous. Everyone was scared of them. You knew jungkook,how?
when your dad took the money he came to sign the contract.

Jungkook entered our house, and with his dark eyes he scan all over the living room.

His hair was wet and his muscular body was hugged by his black leather suit. He had a white shirt and a black tie underneath it. He wore black leather gloves. His ears was decorated with loop small earrings. He wore black boots.He was the perfect example of dangerous.

"Long time no see"

finally jungkook spoke, sitting on our sofa with his right leg on his left leg, as if he was to claim this place. No one said anything but shivered at his presence.

After all this ain't going to be a good night for you and your family.

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